Slovenia - Maribor - Hotel Habakuk, 10. - 12. October 2007


Call for papers!



Please send the submission of your contribution (in English) and your application not later than 7 May 2007 to email address  (as two separate files). Please contact Program comitee for late contribution.

The submission should include:
1. Indication of the chosen type of contribution (lecture, workshop, poster, e-poster)
2. Name(s) of the author(s)
3. A short note of the author(s) work
4. Contact address(es), including e-mail
5. Title of the contribution
6. A summary of your contribution in 300-400 words. It should describe research results and findings to be presented. Instead of, for example: "The paper will present research results...", briefly describe the results themselves.
Not less than three and not more than six keywords, which should not repeat the words from the title.

The submission of a contribution is at the same time an application for participation and an agreement with the conditions for participation.


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»Program delno financira Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve«
»Za vsebino dokumenta je odgovorna Fakulteta za socialno delo in v nobenem primeru ne izraža stališča Evropske unije«

© 2007  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo