contact hours:
OFFICE HOURS IN WINTER TERM 2024/2025: TUESDAY, 14:00-15:00, office no. 17. Online consultation by appointment. The recurring link to the ZOOM consultation hours is: Best regards, Lea Šugman Bohinc, Assist. Prof. activity:
CURRICULUM VITAE Position, address and biographical data Doc. Lea Šugman Bohinc, PhD, psy. Senior lecturer University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Work Ljubljana, Topniška 31 tel. ++386 (0)1 280 92 52 ++386 (0)1 3 612 691 (home) fax. ++386 (0)1 280 92 70 e-mail: Born in Maribor, 1964. Graduated in 1990 from University of Ljubljana, MA 1996, PhD 2002, all in psychology. 1993-2000 young researcher at the School for Social Work, 1998-2004 assistant lecturer for Psychology, Epistemology of Social Work, and Group Work and Second-order Cybernetics, since 2004 senior lecturer. At the Faculty of Social Work, UL, in 2018/2019 teaching the following courses, at BA level: Epistemology of Social Work, Group Work with Creative Expressive Media, Dialogical Approach to Psychosocial Support and Help; at MA level: Maps of Narrative of Practice of Support and Help, Counselling Work in Education, co-teaching course Research in Social Work; at PhD level: Narrative Models of Psychosocial Help and Supervision.Vice dean 2004/2005-2006/2007. Since 1997 teacher and supervisor in the School for Cybernetics of Psychotherapy. Since 1998 guest lecturer for General Theory of Science and for Epistemology of Psychotherapy) in the programme of Propaedeuticum. Guest lecturer for Social Work With Family and Youth at University of Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Faculty of Arts, Department for Social Work, from 2003/2004 to 2008/2009. Lecturer for Communication Theories at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Department of Social Pedagogy, Master programme, since 2004/2005, and for Communication with children in class at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Department of Primary Education, Master programme, from 2006/2007 to 2015/2016. Teaching courses for the students of systemic psychotherapy at the Faculty for Psychotherapy Science, Sigmund Freud University Ljubljana, since 2008/2009. Presented a series of papers at many international conferences, had many lectures and workshops abroad and in Slovenia, organized many international academic affairs, like summer schools and intensive seminars, participated in research projects. Awarded the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) in 2006. Lecturer in the programme of professional training for supervisors in the social care system since 2018 (co-ordinator as. prof. Petra Videmšek). collaboration on projects:
- Project co-ordinator: ESS project aimed at renovation of study programmes at UL/FSW, titled Renovation and development of programmes of all three degrees of social work education. Project code: ESS_VS-06-10, 2007. Researcher: - Support for the CSW Gorenjska pilot project »Mobile service to support families with multiple challengesi«, CSW Gorenjska and Faculty of Social Work UL, 1. 3. 2022 - 28. 2. 2024 - 31. 12. 2024. Project leader: Nina Mešl, Assoc. Prof. - Helping Families in the Community: The Co-creation of Desired Change for Reducing Social Exclusion and Strengthening Health. Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy, Feb. 15, 2015 - Sept. 30, 2016. Project leader: Nina Mešl, Asist. Prof. - Professional foundations for advanced development and realisation of Work concept 'Learning difficulties in primary school'. European social fund (ESF) and Ministery for education and sport of Republic Slovenia, 2008-2011. Faculty of Education and Faculty of Social Work, University of Ljubljana. Project leader: Marija Kavkler, Full Prof., subproject leader: Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, Assoc. Prof. - Psychological aspects of managing stress at task performance abroad : final research report of the second project partner. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University, Faculty for Social Work. 222 pp., 2006. Second project partner leader: Bernard Stritih, PhD, Senior Lecturer. - Prevention for family pathologies: building up community. (Institute Jožef Stefan and Faculty for Social Work.) Ljubljana: Ministery for education, science and sport, 2005. Research leader: Manca Košir, Assoc. Prof. - History of social work. Ljubljana: Ministery for labour, family and social affairs, 2006. Research leader: Darja Zaviršek, Assoc. Prof. - Contextual methods in social work : final report on results of research project in the year 2004. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University, Faculty for Social Work, 2004. 40 f. Project leader: Vito Flaker, Assoc. Prof. - Conversation effectiveness in family social work (in psychosocial help interaction). Ljubljana: Ljubljana University, Faculty for Social Work, Research centre, 1999. 163 f., ilustr. Research leader: Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, Assoc. Prof. - Evaluation of family social work at the Centres for social work. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University, Faculty for Social Work, Research centre, 1998. 139 f. Research leader: Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič, Assoc. Prof. - Internal dialogue in family and development of social support networks to help families in crisis in Slovenia. Ljubljana: School for social work, 1996. Research leader: Bernard Stritih, PhD, Senior Lecturer. - Renovation of study process and increase of study effectiveness. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University, 1995. Research leader: Barica Marentič-Požarnik, Full Prof. - Unpaid research leader: Social work with involuntary clients. The research (Working with Involuntary Clients in Slovenia) was as the first of this kind introduced at the annual meeting of the Council on Social Work Education; Social Justice through Social Reform, Chicago, Illinois, 17.2.2007. bibliography:
SELECTED PUBLICATIONS 1994 Social cultural work. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal) 33, 4: 317-324. 1996 Conceptualization of consciousness and perception in the language of second-order cybernetics. Psihološka obzorja (Horizons of Psychology) 5, 4: 61-71. 1997 Epistemology of social work. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal) 36, 4: 289-308. 1998 Epistemology of social work II. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal) 37, 6: 417-440. 2000 Cybernetics of change and stability in the context of counselling and therapeutic work with client system. Psihološka obzorja (Horizons of Psychology) 9, 2: 87-101. 2002 Self-organization of observing systems. In Detela, A., Gams, M., Repovs, G. (eds.). Proceedings C of the 5th International Multi-Conference. Information Society IS'2002, Cognitive Sciences (81-84). 2003 Cybernetics of conversation. - Proceedings of the 2nd Study Days of Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy. Maribor: Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy (35-44). 2003 Story-telling in social counselling and psychotherapy. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal), 42(6): 377-383. 2005 Cybernetics of psychotherapy – developing effective postmodern dialogical practice. Current Trends in Psychotherapy – From Pathogenesis to Salutogenesis. Proceedings of the 4th Study Days of Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy. Maribor: Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy (156-163). 2005 Epistemology of support and help. Journal for science criticism, imagination and new anthropology (Časopis za kritiko znanosti, domišljijo in novo antropologijo). XXXIII(221): 167-181. 2006 Social work with involuntary service users. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal). 4(6): 345-355. 2010 From objectivism to constructivism and social constructionism in systemic therapy. Kairos. Slovene journal for psychotherapy. 4 (1-2): 51-65. 2011 Synergetics of co-creating support and help. In: L. Šugman Bohinc (ed.). Individual working project of help. Collection Students with learning difficulties. Ljubljana: Faculty of social work (36-69). 2013 Childhood and child's voice in old and new research studies on children. In: Kodele, T. (ed.), et al. Child's voice in the process of learning and help : manual for kindergartens, schools and parents. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (65-78). 2013 Synergetics of learning and help in school. In: Kodele, T. (ed.), et al. Child's voice in the process of learnng and help : manual for kindergartens, schools and parents. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo (98-135). 2016 Social Work - the Science, Profession and Art of Complex Dealing with Complexity. In: Mešl, N., Kodele, T. (eds.). Co-creating Processes of Help: Collaboration with Families in the Community. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work (41-63). 2016 Synergetic collaborative model of family social work in the community in the society. In: Kodele, T., Mešl, N. (eds.).Families with multiple challenges : co-creating help in a community. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work (113-134). 2016 Cybernetics and Synergetics as Foundations for Complex Approach Towards Complexities of Life. Constructivist Foundations. 11(3): 530-532. 2017 Social Work in the Process of Implementing Ideals for a Just Society. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal). 55(5-6): 221-238. 2019 Gregory Bateson - visionary, misunderstood and disregarded creator of steps to an ecology of mind. Kairos. Slovenian journal for psychotherapy. 13(1-2): 119-139. 2020 Invitation to an inspiring journey towards the epistemology of relationships. Constructivist Foundations. (November). 16(1): 513-515. 2020 Social work in international context. Innovative blended learning collaborative approach. In Ferreira, J. M. L. & Pena, M. J. B. (Eds.). Social Work Education. Co-creating an innovative model for international context (61-98). Lisboa: ISCTE-IUL. In co-authorship: 1999 Šugman Bohinc, L., Možina, M., Stritih, B. Wie verstehen Experten und freiwillige Sozialarbeiter die Probleme junger Familien in Slowenien?. In: Zelger, J., Maier, M. (ed.). GABEK Verarbeitung und Darstellung von Wissen. Innsbruck, Wien: Studien.Verlag (251-258). 2000 Čačinovič Vogrinčič, G, Šugman Bohinc, L. Effectiveness (successfulness) of conversation in social work with family. Socialno delo (Social Work Journal) 39(3): 175-189. 2003 Šugman Bohinc, L., Kobal, L. Presentation of psychotherapy evaluation research in Slovenia. Proceedings of the 2nd Study Days of Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy. Maribor: Slovene Umbrella Association for Psychotherapy (18-24). 2004 Možina, M., Šugman Bohinc, L. Systemic therapy of severe and repeated psychological disorders. In Švab, Vesna (ed.). Psychosocial rehabilitation (Psihosocialna rehabilitacija). Ljubljana: ŠENT – Slovene association for mental health (110-117). 2004 Šugman Bohinc, L., Kordeš, U. Second-Order Cybernetics – Its Implications and Applications for Science. In: Trappl, Robert (ed.). Cybernetics and Systems Research, held at the University of Vienna, Austria, 13-16 April 2004. Vienna: Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies (120-123). 2007 Šugman Bohinc, L., Rapoša Tajnšek, P., Škerjanc, J. Life World of a Service User. Exploration, assessment and planning the use of resources to accomplish desired outcomes. (Življenjski svet uporabnika. Raziskovanje, ocenjevanje in načrtovanje uporabe virov za doseganje želenih razpletov). Collection Catalogue. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work. 2024 Šugman Bohinc, L., Miškulin, I. Hermeneutic psychotherapy: Collaborative, dialogical and epistemically just approach to psychosocial distress and mental disorders. Kairos - Slovenska revija za psihoterapijo (Kairos - Slovenian Journal of Psychotherapy). 18, 1-2: 44-73.