Head of chair: Lea Šugman Bohinc ...
The Chair of Theories and Methods of Help aims to explore the postmodern concepts, approaches, methods and skills of psychosocial support and help and other forms of collaboration with individuals, families, groups and communities in dialogic processes of solving problems and delivering the desired change. Through a »working relationship of co-creating« of desired outcomes in a manner of »individual working project of help«, the »science of doing« is explored and developed in social care, education, health care and criminal justice. The members of the chair are involved in diverse on-going and emerging national and international networks of researchers and professionals (e.g. ALLISW – Adult Lifelong Learning in Social Work, Open Dialogue Network) as well as in national and international research projects. In 2008-2011, a developmental and research project was carried out (European Social Fund), titled Professional Basis for Further Development and Implementation of the Concept of Work "Learning Difficulties in Elementary School". In 2014-2016, they were promoters of a project (in the programme of Norway Financial Mechanism and Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy), titled Helping families in community: co-creation of desired changes for reducing social exclusion and strengthening health, and in 2018-2019 they carried out a market project Exploration of the processes of changing school community. In 2016-2019, they participated in the international Erasmus+ project LIFE (Learning to Innovate with Families). In 2017, they cooperated in the project Interdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Programme in Child Protection, and in the professional training Interdisciplinary and Inter-sectorial Approach to Child Protection that was produced based on the project results. Since 2018 they have been participating in a COST project titled The European Family Support Research Network: A bottom-up, Evidence-based and Multidisciplinary Approach. In December 2019, they took over the leading of work package 5 titled Fostering inclusion and equal societies within the Erasmus+ pilot project EUTOPIA (European Universities Transforming to an Open Inclusive Academy for 2050). Since 2020, they have collaborated in the Project work with non-commercial and non-profit sectors – Students' innovative projects for social benefit 2016-2020, project title being Improving communication with foreign students at the Student Health Centre at the University of Ljubljana.