Other projects

01.01.2024 - In-Touch: Implementation of a person-centered palliative care iNtervention To imprOve comfort, QUality of Life and social engagement of people with advanced dementia in care Homes01.11.2023 - Urban Age Ethics and Social Inclusion - URGE01.11.2023 - A quality assurance implementation protocol for family support services in Europe. An evidence-based and culturally informed model for professional practice01.03.2023 - Lifelong learning, sustainable development and a long-lasting society: developing learning content, strategies, evaluation and a micro-evidence system for older learners01.09.2022 - Learning and Innovation Network - LINK01.11.2021 - Outreach: Inclusive and Transformative Frameworks for All – YouThReach01.10.2020 - Applying Sustainability Transition Research in Social Work tackling Major Societal Challenge of Social Inclusion - ASTRA01.09.2020 - European Master on Active Ageing and Age Friendly Society - EMMA01.09.2020 - Long-term care for people with dementia in social work and practice01.07.2020 - Information and Communication: Cornerstones of justice for victims of crime with disabilaty) - InfoCom01.01.2020 - Supporting Modernization and Deinstitutionalization of Social Services07.10.2019 - RISEWISE - RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement01.10.2019 - Changing social attitudes towards gender diversity in children across Europe14.03.2019 - THE EUROPEAN FAMILY SUPPORT RESEARCH NETWORK. A BOTTOM-UP, EVIDENCE BASED01.10.2017 - Gostujoči tuji strokovnjaki Univerze v Ljubljani 2016-201817.07.2017 - Interdisciplinary life-long learning child protection programme03.04.2017 - Technical assistance support for the deinstitutionalization process in social sector01.09.2016 - Regards croisés sur la bientraitance en établissement01.09.2016 - Learning to Innovate with Families - LIFE01.05.2010 - Challenging identity normativity: affirmative social identities, empowerment policies and social cohesion 01.12.2009 - DAPHNE III: Homophobic Motivated Violence as Experience of Children growing upwith Homosexual Parents in the Context of School01.09.2007 - DEMOGENE - The European Network on Elderly Policy and Social Work with the Elderly in a World of Demographical Changes01.06.2006 - Ethnicity and Education in Social Work01.06.2006 - Leonardo Da Vinci mobilnost 2006/07: Prilagajanje evropskemu sistemu izobraževanja: Mednarodni doktorski študij socialnega dela01.01.2006 - Peer Education – Project for Young Drivers to Prevent Alcohol and Drugs in Connection with Road Use: Drive Clean! 01.10.2005 - Raziskovalni projekt na področju ugotavljanja potreb po novih programih pomoči za uporabnike drog v RS 01.10.2005 - Izobraževalni projekt na področju drog za različne ciljne skupine V RS 01.05.2005 - Nacionalni program PHARE 2003: Vseživljenjsko učenje - Poklicno informiranje in svetovanje za rome (PISR)01.01.2005 - Partnerstvo za bodoče možnosti v okviru pobude skupnosti EQUAL 01.01.2003 - Dostop do izobraževanja in zaposlovanja ljudi z intelektualnimi ovirami v Sloveniji