Outreach: Inclusive and Transformative Frameworks for All – YouThReach

Project type: EU Erasmus +

Beginning: 01.11.2021

End: 01.02.2024

Leader: Doc.dr. Milko Poštrak


youth, exclusion, fieldwork, competences and skills of social workers


»The practices known as "outreach work" exist in social work education but are often difficult to implement in the practice of social workers and volunteers who work with socially excluded people or those who are not part of the support systems for vulnerable young people. There are three dimensions involved: policy planning, institutional practice, and professional/fieldwork. In light of the experiences and practices in each participating country, the project will allow us to identify and assess gaps in existing training for working with socially excluded young people, specific gaps between training and practice, gaps between young people's needs and opportunities to respond to them. We find that there is a gap between the strategic, organizational and professional levels of planning and implementation of the intervention. Thus, the challenge is to close the gap between training and practice and to improve the existing training content.
The project will be based on 4 main activities:
- Capitalizing on training content and practices in partner countries.
- Design and implementation of a training module
- Development and testing of the methodology by professionals and volunteers
- Design of an educational package«