Information sources


For our users, we provide access to more than 40 bibliographic databases, to 3000 e-journal titles, many language and special e-dictionaries in full text. Most of our e-resources are accessible with remote access from outside of University of Ljubljana local networks.

DiKUL - Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana allowing access to 20 information databases at the same time (library catalogues, bibliographies, services with electronic journals, e-theses of the University of Ljubljana, ect.). Please choose English language at the portal entry page.

DLib - Digital Library of Slovenia (cultural and historical heritage of Slovenia)

National Academic Press - more then 3000 titles in full text

NetLibrary offers more than 3400 titles of books

Dictionaries: Slov.-Eng., Eng.-Slov., Ger.-Slov., Slov.-Ger., Span.-Slov., Slov.-Span.,...