Social Work with Older People
Co-ordinated by Jana Mali
1.1 Type of qualification: second cycle: masters study programme
1.2 Programme duration: 1 year
1.3 Number of credits (ECTS): 60 ECTS
2. Mode of study: part time
3. The basic programme goals and competences achieved by the programme
To guide students towards an in-depth and in-dependent study of social work with older people; to be able to work with the elderly requiring specialised social work in the community or in institutional care for older people and to be able to provide advice in preparing for old age to all generations that are just entering the aging pro-cess and to enable students to acquaint them-selves and understand contemporary theories and practices in social work with older people and their applications in specific practical work in these areas. This programme enables students to gain knowledge in working with people suffering from dementia and those needing long-term care at home or in any institutions for the care of older people. Graduates of the master’s programme are educated based on practical work where they identify, analyse, seek solutions and develop innovative approaches to solving problems specific to old people in the spirit of social work.
The programme qualifies for social work with older people in the community and in residential care, and for counselling in preparation for old age. It provides knowledge and understanding of contemporary concepts and practices of social work with older people.
Competences achieved by the programme
- analyse and synthesise knowledge of old age and ageing in modern society, envisage solutions and consequences of actions in social work with old people,
- master research methods in social work as well as procedures and processes in the area of social work with old people,
- develop critical and self-critical assessment,
- apply knowledge in practice,
- resolve the individual problems of old people arising in the community, institutions for old people and working environments in which older workers are employed,
- develop innovative programmes and methods of operation in social work with old people,
- perform professional work autonomously,
- develop skills in communication, public speaking and presenting opinions,
- reflect on ethics and be committed to professional ethics,
- be cooperative, work in a team or group and pursue community actions,
- make interdisciplinary links between different experts in the field of work with old people and coordinate the work of these experts with emphasis on accommodating the individual needs of the old person.
The student must complete the compulsory courses, field work, two elective subjects from the list are compulsory, one or two open elective subjects, can be chosen from the list or elective subjects from other Master programmes at the Faculty of social work and the Master’s thesis.