Contact persons: Amra Šabić ...
The Centre for Drugs and Addiction Studies is based on a tradition of research in social work that follows a user-perspective, harm-reduction, empowerment and normalisation, dialogical knowledge development and develops realistic response to the needs of people in a community. The Centre explores the use of licit and illicit drugs as a social, social work, health, discursive and, above all, political phenomenon. The Centre gives priority to action and applied research, developing good practices and participating in the organisation of conferences and trainings. Our activities involve students, users, experts and other key actors from the field. In the framework of research, educational and practical level, the Centre is involved in local and international networks of institutions and associations, such as NERUDA – Network for European Research in Drug Use and Addiction, IUC – International University Centre Dubrovnik, the Council of Europe Pompidou Group, the Alliance of NGOs for Drugs and Addictions, EMCDDA and elsewhere. Over the last fifteen years, we have been involved in several national and international research projects focusing on drug use and community response planning, youth alcohol use, drug and alcohol-related traffic risks, and in the development of community-based approaches to prevent and reduce drug and alcohol-related harm. We are involved in the organisation and delivery of various national and international events (conventions, conferences, lectures, etc.).