Darja Zaviršek, PhD, Full Professorroom no.: 4telephone: + 386 (0)1 3006231e-mail: darja.zavirsek@fsd.uni-lj.sibibliography:2000 - A Historical Overview of Women’s Hysteria in Slovenia 2003 - PREŽIVLJAVAJUCI ETNICNOST I INVALIDITET: DJECA PRIPADNICI MANJINA U SUSTAVU JAVNE SKRBI 2004 - SURVIVING ETHNICITY AND DISABILITY: MINORITY CHILDREN IN PUBLIC CARE 2004 - Od aktivizma do profesionalizacije : refleksija delovanja ženskih nevladnih organizacij na podrocju nasilja nad ženskami in otroki v Sloveniji 2005 - Sustainable Development in Social Work: the Case of a Regional Network in the Balkans 2005 - Vloga služb socialnega varstva pri obravnavi nasilja nad ženskami in otroki 2006 - Disabled Women Everyday Citizenship Rights in East Europe: Examples from Slovenia 2006 - Ethnographic research as the source of critical knowledge in social work and other caring professions 2007 - Communities of Gatekeepers and Communities of Advocates: Being Disabled in Eastern Europe 2008 - Engendering Social Work Education under State Socialism in Yugoslavia 2008 - Social Work as Memory Work in Times of Political Conflict 2009 - Social Work with Adults with Disabilities: An International Perspective 2009 - Med krvjo in skrbjo Socialno starševstvo kot širitev koncepta starševstva v današnjem svetu 2009 - Service users involvement in research and 12teaching: Is there a place for it in Eastern European Social Work 2010 - Med cerkvenimi in laičnimi spolnimi zlorabami otrok: Geografija razkritij in geografija zdravljenja: Spolne zlorabe otrok so praviloma kolektivno dejanje 2010 - I want tohave my future, I have a dialogue 2010 - Interview with professor Silvio Staub Bernasconi on social work 2010 - »The Development of the International Social Work. Networks and their Impacts«. On-line module History of Social Work. History of ideas and development of professional social work from gender perspectives. 2011 - Več sivih lis kot velikih odkritij … 2011 - Proti nasilju v družini naredimo dovolj. Mar res? 2011 - Od pravice do spolne celice do pravice vedeti. Dnevnik, Sobotni Objektiv, 19. November. 2011. 2012 - Mavrične družine grejo v šolo: perspektive otrok, staršev in učiteljic FOR ENGLISH SPEAKING STUDENTS UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: Disability Studies: Theories and Methods in social work Since 2009 member of the Academic Network of European Disability Experts for Slovenia Slovenia | ANED Important documents for social work International Association of Schools of Social Work - Global Standards Chair of international conferences and projects: Awards: back