Petra Videmšek, PhD, Associate Professor

room no.: 29
telephone: + 386 (0)1 2809255
work sphere: disability studies, domestic violence, social inclusion of expert by experience into research, supervision in social work

Supervision in social work (2nd Year)

Expert by experince knowledge in social work practice (2nd Year)
Planning of Support in the Community (1th Year)
User perspection in the research (3rd Year)  

collaboration on projects:

2023 Supervision as a tool against compassion fatigue in social work, Evropska komisija, KIP (vodja Petra Videmšek)

2019- 2022 European Universities Transforming to an Open, Inclusive Academy for 2050 / EUTOPIA /Preoblikovanje evropskih univerz v odprto vključujočo akademijo do leta 2050/EUTOPIA. vodja delovnega sklopa 5 - Spodbujanje vključevanja in enakopravnih družb.

2019- 2023. Evropska raziskovalna mreža za podporo družinam. EU COST.

2010- 2011- ASO- Challenging identity normativity: affirmative social identities, empowerment policies and social cohesion. (Izzivi normativnosti identitet: afirmativne socialne identitete, politike opolnomočenja in družbena kohezija).ASO/ZDI Dunaj. 

2009- 2010- ASO- Chains of migration : migration and identity in the postyugoslav countries. ASO/ZDI Dunaj.

2005- 2007 EX-IN – Experienced Involvement; Vključitev izkušenih Krepitev moči v teoriji in praksi. Ljubljana: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo (koordinatorka) 01.10.2005- 30.09.2007 EU - Projekt evropskega programa Leonardo da Vinci.

2010-2013 Empowering Women & Providers: DV and MH : University of Hertfordshire The Centre for Mental Health Recovery (UH), UK.



VIDEMŠEK, Petra, FOX, Joanna (2021). Covid-19: can this pandemic trigger innovation in social work practice in Slovenia and England?. American journal of biomedical science & research. 7. sep. 2021, vol. 14, is. 2, str. 193-198. 

VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2021). Blank page : involvement of expert by experience in social work education in Slovenia. V: MCLAUGHLIN, Hugh (ur.). The Routledge handbook of service user involvement in human services research and education. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. Str. 174-185. 

FOX, Joanna, VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2021). Looking back, looking forward : using a duoethnographic study toexplore the role of personal positioning in social work educationin the UK and Slovenia. European journal of social work : the forum for the social professions. mar. 2021, vol. 24, no. 3, str. 527-540.


VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2017). Expert by experience research as grounding for social work education. Social work education, ISSN 0261-5479, 2017, vol. 36, no. 2, str. 172-187. 

VIDEMŠEK, Petra, FOX Joanna (2019). Exploring the mental health and spiritual recovery of an expert-by-experience : a discussion of the unique contribution social workers can make to support this journey. Ljetopis socijalnog rada. 2019, letn. 26, br. 2, str. 235-256.

VIDEMŠEK, Petra, FOX, Joanna (2018). Exploring the value of involving experts-by-experience in social work research : experiences from Slovenia and the UK. European journal of social work : the forum for the social professions, ISSN 1369-1457, 2018, vol. 21, no. 4, str. 498-508. 

VIDEMŠEK, Petra, SOBOČAN, Ana Marija. Segregated identities, multidimensional exclusion and mental health : the case of Roma. V: SCHECK, Hanna. Changing Identities in South Eastern Europe : between europeanisation, globalisation, and nationalism. Vienna: Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI): Austrian Science and Research Office Ljubljana (ASO Ljubljana), str. 118-135.

VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2009), From the margin to the centre : service users as researchers in social work practice. V: LESKOŠEK, Vesna (ur.). Theories and methods of social work : exploring different perspectives. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work.

VIDEMŠEK, Petra, FOX, Joanna (2009), Concept mapping as a discovery and learning method : the strenghts and benefits of its use in social work research and practice. V: RAMON, Shula (ur.), ZAVIRŠEK, Darja (ur.). Critical edge issues in social work and social policy : comparative research perspectives. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work.

ZAVIRŠEK, Darja, VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2009), Service users involvement in research and teaching : is there a place for it in Eastern European social work. Ljetopis socijalnog rada, 2009, god. 16, br. 2, str. 207-222.

VIDEMŠEK, Petra (2018). Expert by experience research as grounding for social work education.Social work education, ISSN 0261-5479, 2017, vol. 36, no. 2, str. 172-187. 

VIDEMŠEK, Petra(2018). Expert by experience research as grounding for social work education. V: MCLAUGHLIN, Hugh (ur.). Service user involvement in social work education. London [i. e.] Abingdon; New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018. Str. 195-210.