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Dr Ana M. Sobočan is an assistant professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Slovenia. She is a member of Committee on Ethics in Research at Faculty of Social Work and Committee of the University of Ljubljana for ethics in research with people. Ana M. Sobočan is Chair of the Social Work Section in the Slovenian Sociological Society and Secretary of the Slovenian Sexological Society. Ana is primarily interested in social work ethics, social work professional identity and practice, and research ethics, but has also researched and taught in the areas of gender, parenting, inclusion and disability. In 2018-2019, Ana was a visiting scholar at the School for Political and Social Science at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Part of her PhD research (2011-2012) was conducted at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, where she spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar (the first Slovenian scholar in the field of social work). Her doctoral thesis 'Etika v socialnem delu' (Ethics in Social Work) was awarded the Srebrni znak ZRC SAZU for outstanding doctoral thesis in social sciences in 2013 (awarded annually by the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts). Ana's current international collaborations include a research group on 'Mapping Ethics and Social Work Professions' (with the UK, USA, Netherlands and Slovenia), research on ethical practise (with Germany) and membership of SEE - Southeast Europe Academic Women's Leadership Initiative (with Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Albania). Ana is co-founder of SWERG (Social Work Ethics Research Group) and SWERG SIG (Special Interest Group) at ESWRA (Europan Social Work Research Association). Ana was Vice-President of the European Social Work Research Association ( and Secretary of the East-European sub-regional Association of Schools of Social Work ( She is currently a member of the Board of the European Association of Schools of Social Work (EASSW) and its representative at the European Commission Conference of INGOs. She is an editor at Ethics and Social Welfare (Taylor and Francis) and at European Social Work Research (Policy Press). She has experience as a visiting professor (she has taught in Kosovo, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and the United States) and in international research projects (Kosovo, Macedonia, Germany, Sweden, Israel, United Kingdom). She serves as a reviewer for eight international journals and as a member of review panels and organising committees for social work conferences, and was appointed co-chair of the 7th European Conference on Social Work Research. collaboration on projects:
2006-2008 Social parenthood as a key aspect of contemporary family politics. (Faculty of Social Work; prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek) 2006-2008 Causes and consequences of the phenomenon of working poor. (Faculty of Social Work; doc. dr. Vesna Leskošek) 2007-2008 Roma in Ljubljana: diversity of perspectives. (Faculty of Social Work and Peace Institute; prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek, dr. Majda Hrženjak) 2007-2008 My Story – Your Story: Eine kritische Reflexion von pädagogischen Begleitprogrammen in Gedenkstätten in Deutschland, Israel und Slowenien (University of Haifa, University of Applied Sciences Alice Salomon Berlin; prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek, prof. Birgit Rommelspacher, prof. Adital Ben-Ari). 2009-2010 Collecting Practical Knowledge in the Centers of Social Work in Prishtina: Producing Knowledge for an Evidence-Based Social Work Study (University of Ljubljana, University of Regensburg, University of Prishtina; IASSW funded project; prof. Ruth Seifert, Ana M. Sobočan). 2009 Procedures, organization and standards in the field of adoptions. (University of Ljubljana, Institute for Social Security; funded by the ministry of Work, Family and Social Affairs, prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek) 2009-2010 Procedures, organization and standards in the field of foster care. (University of Ljubljana, Institute for Social Security; funded by the ministry of Work, Family and Social Affairs; dr. Tatjana Rakar, prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek) 2009-2011 Social work and social cohesion: dilemmas of autonomous and heteronymous regulation of social systems. (Faculty for social work; funded by the national research agency; prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek). 2010-2011 Challenging identity normativity: affirmative social identities, empowerment policies and social cohesion. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University of Prishtina (Kosovo), University of Skopje (FYR Macedonia), FH St. Poelten (Austria); Ana M. Sobočan. 2009-2011 Homophobic Motivated Violence as Experience of Children growing up with Homosexual Parents in the Context of School. EU Funded project: DAPHNE III. Humboldt University Berlin (Germany), Lund University (Sweden), Faculty of Social Work (Slovenia); mag. Uli Streib Brzic, prof. Tiina Roseberg, prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek 2011-2014 Disability ethics: social identities of people with disabilities in the theory and praxis of social work. (University of Ljubljana – Faculty for social work; funded by the national research agency; prof. dr. Darja Zaviršek). 2015-2019 Ethical practice and decision-making in social work (University of Ljubljana - Faculty for Social Work; funded by the national research agency; dr. Ana M. Sobočan) 2019-2021 EUTOPIA - European Universities Transforming to an Open, Inclusive Academy for 2050. Erasmus+ project. 2020-2023 Socialno delo kot družbena naprava solidarnosti / Social work as a social apparatus of solidarity bibliography: 0000-0001-9468-5108