Socialno delo on-line archive

Socialno delo, letnik 50 (2011), št. 1


Miro Samardžija
Ethnic minorities in the grip of autochthonism, identity and integration - 1, (Abstract)
Nina Mešl, Tadeja Kodele
Collaborative work relationship in school: From thinking about the usefulness of the concept to the beginning of its use - 13, (Abstract)
Klavdija Kustec
Artistic means of expression in social work - 27, (Abstract)


English - 75


Miro Samardžija
Ethnic minorities in the grip of autochthonism, identity and integration

The article deals with autochthonism which as a conception emerged in the Slovenian Constitution at the end of the 80s in the article 64 and consolidated position of the Italian and Hungarian national minorities in Slovenia. The article aims to demonstrate that such usage of the autochthonism – as a constitutional notion designed for minority rights protection – is, on the one hand, unnecessary and, on the other hand, even discriminatory against those national minorities which are still excluded from Slovenia’s legal order and from the policies of recognising ethnic minorities. Primarily we are talking about constitutionally unrecognized national minorities from the regions of ex-Yugoslavia. Furthermore, the article deals with two key, and at the same time, quite problematic notions significant for the national minority issues: ethnic identity and integration.

Keywords: ethno cultural groups, autochthonism, integration, ethnic identity, Slovenia

Miro Samardžija is a postgraduate student of Sociology of Culture at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. His research focus is primarily concentrated on new racism, ethnic minorities, representation and multiculturalism. Contact:

Nina Mešl, Tadeja Kodele
Collaborative work relationship in school: From thinking about the usefulness of the concept to the beginning of its use

Many research findings, dealing with the connection of school success and the success in somebody's further life, emphasize the importance of positive experiences in coping with challenges in school environment. As a respectful and responsible pupil's ally, the teacher certainly plays the main role in co-creating new knowledge and in empowering the child as well. The interim analysis of the project »Professional foundations for further development and implementation of the concept 'learning difficulties in primary school'« shows that teachers see co-creation in a work relationship with children, having learning difficulties, as a good concept – not only on the conceptual level, but also on the level of its use at school. All the participants in this unique work project of help, where help and support are co-created, stress the progress in collaboration, show that steps towards solutions are easily agreed upon and that the child's voice is heard. The main concern about the (un)usefulness of the concept refers to the systematic obstacles connected with time and organizational problems, which could impede the implementation of this model into the school system. On the other hand, teachers support the idea of including as many other pupils as possible to this unique work project of help.

Keywords: learning difficulties, school success, protective factor, cooperation, action research

Nina Mešl, Ph.D., is an assistant lecturer at the University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. She worked as a social worker in fields of youth and family social work (from 1998 to 2003). Her field of research is family social work and social work theories of help. Contact: Tadeja Kodele is an assistant lecturer at the University in Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Work, Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Her field of research interest is mainly work with children and youth. Contact:

Klavdija Kustec
Artistic means of expression in social work

This paper presents a summarised historical development and use of artistic means of expression in diverse fields of work with people. It gives a short description of predominant models or approaches – the medical model and the social work model – and within this context paradigmatic shifts in social work, which are important for work with artistic means of expression are shown. Special attention is devoted to successfulness or effectiveness of work with artistic means of expression and to required competences of social workers who use artistic means of expression in their work.

Keywords: artistic means of expression, psycho(bio)social support and help, paradigms, competences

Mag. Klavdija Kustec is Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Work of the University of Ljubljana, Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana. Tel.: (01) 300 62 33, e-mail address: