Project type: Research Program
Code: P5-0183
Beginning: 01.01.2022
End: 31.12.2028
Leader: dr. Tanja Kamin
Associates: Vesna Leksošek (za FSD)
mag. Mirjam ten Veen (za FSD)
The research programme studies individual experiences of, and answers to, social barriers, exclusion and marginalisation that arise as a result of policies and systemic mechanisms that reproduce inequalities, uncertainties and risks. The programme focuses on individual adaptations and strategies of coping with inequalities, uncertainties and risks at the level of everyday life, from sociological, socio-psychological and interdisciplinary (e.g. sociology of medicine) perspectives. The programme’s studies stretch over six major thematic fields: 1) field of health studies, our research group analyses the origins and consequences of health inequalities, and health-related social dimensions and practices; with our analysis we contributed to the development of health-related policies in Slovenia and to evidence-based behavioural models and strategies for development and implementation of interventions, aiming to achieve and maintain behavioural and social changes. 2) field of life trajectories studies, our research group focuses on two main social groups – youth and elderly people; in relation to the youth, we focus on life transitions and uncertainties pertaining to them (from educational system to labour market) and social inequalities (unemployment, precarious employment), while in the case of elderly people, we focus on poverty and gendered pension gap. Youth is studied also from the perspective of 3) sexuality and the new cultures of intimacy (study of non-normative sexual and gender identities), as well as from the perspective of 4) family studies: our research work encompasses studies of families, socially constituted as an institution that is responsible for providing safety and socialising younger generations for taking (individual) responsibility for socially produced problems. 5) field of social minorities (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers), where we focus on studying the social processes of Othering and their symbolic and social-material consequences. 6) field of food security, where we focus on food-related inequality and its interrelation with socio-economic inequality. The research programme also encompasses 7) studies of practices of resistances and of articulations of alternatives.