Methods of Social Work – Integrative Seminar

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Vito Flaker
Collaborator(s): Mojca Urek


Subject content:

Review of social work methods.
Skills, procedures, methods. Work styles.
The basic ethical questions of social work. Professionalism and fake professionalism.
The principles of social work. Dialogue. Transversality. Pragmatics. Humour. Advocacy and guardianship. Probability. Experimentalism. Reflection and reflexivity.
The ethically-esthetical paradigm. Basic social work operations and modalities.
Organisational and institutional determinants of social work. Taxonomy of social work and social care
Mandate in social work.
Interactions between methods of social work, administrative, legal, health and pedagogical approaches.