Drugs and Addictions Policies

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Amra Šabić

Subject content:

The basic conceptual and theoretical knowledge from the field of drug policy.
The basic concepts which will enable a discursive understanding of the phenomenon of drugs as a social, health and primarily political phenomenon.
Becoming acquainted with the occurrence of drugs in different social-cultural concepts.
Normalisation. Drugs and the rule of law.
Becoming acquainted with different types of policies in the field of drugs.
The history of the emergence of drugs in the Western social-cultural context and in other civilisational circles.
Discourses of drug use.
Models of policies in the field of drugs (the war against drugs, the phenomenon of prohibitionism, public health policy in the field of drugs, the classical liberal model of drug policy).
EU policy in the field of drugs.
Policy and practice of reduced demand in the field of drugs (prevention in the school environment, harm reduction, prisons, treatment)
The political economy of drugs (reduction of supply) and the economy of stigma.