Year: 1
Study program: Social work
Holder: Alenka Gril
Collaborator(s): Mojca Šeme
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
35 | 0 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 65 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
Person and social context: psychological characteristics of individual functioning in interpersonal relationships, and social groups; bio-psycho-social factors of individual development through the life-span; characteristics of individual psychological functioning in specific periods of life-course; the effects of social interactions in different socio-cultural contexts on psychological functioning of children, adolescents and adults; and social-psychological processes of interpersonal and intergroup behavior; main theories of in developmental psychology and social psychology.
Subject-fields, considered from developmental psychological perspective: emotion and social behaviour – prosociality and aggresion;, temperament and personality;, self-concept and identity; social perception and social cognition -: perception and understanding of self, others, interpersonal relationships, and social groups, causal attribution, social identitiesy,, intergroup relations (attitudes, prejudice, racism, discrimination);.
Developmental contexts: family (attachment, parental styles) and peers (friends, peer gorups, conformity, social influence), society (cultural norms, ideology, intergroup behavior, crowd psychology).
Relations between psychology and social work.
Selected topics from social and family psychology (for tutorials): recognition of self and the other, communication, life-world, prejudices and stigmatisation, imagination, patterns in family relationships.