Narrating and Writing Stories in Social Work

Degree: 1
Year: 1
Study program: Social work

Holder: Mojca Urek
Collaborator(s): Anže Jurček, Sara Pistotnik


Subject content:

Narrative construction of social work. Documenting. Documenting in the processes of the professionalisation of social work. Principles of good practice of documenting. Ensuring the confidentiality of personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Administrative Procedure Act in written and oral communications in the context of social work. The life story in institutional and everyday contexts. Stories on the map of the user's lifeworld. Get-to-know you interviewSensitivity to situations that require adapted communication (people with deafblindness, blindness, people who hear voices, people with dementia, etc.). Re-construction of life history. Storytelling in counselling. Critical auto/biographies between witnessing, recovery and resistance. Biographic research. The importance of stories for the transfer of knowledge about survival strategies from the perspective of sustainable development. The narrative in the research interview. The basics of narrative analysis.