Introduction to the Law for Social Work

Degree: 1
Year: 1
Study program: Social work

Holder: Barbara Novak
Collaborator(s): Gregor Dugar


Subject content:
  • Introduction: Basic legal concepts. Legal structure of the state. Legal relationships. Legal sources.
  • Human rights and fundamental freedoms: political, civil, economic, social, cultural, ecological, etc. Indivisibility of human rights. Human rights of active and passive status. Positive and negative rights. Dynamic interpretation of human rights. Principle of proportionality. Formal and actual possibilities for the effective realization of human rights.
  • Constitution and international documents in the field of human rights (documents adopted within various international organizations; UN, Council of Europe, European Union).
  • Overview of individual legal areas. Systematics. Fundamental characteristics and principles.
  • Institutions and procedures for the effective enforcement and protection of rights in the field of social work.

Regulation of family relations: 1. Basic concepts, Constitutional basis. 2. Legal regulation of marriage: concept, fundamental legal consequences, non-existence and termination of marriage (death or declaration of the missing as dead, annulment of marriage, divorce and legal consequences of divorce); 3. Legal regulation of relationships between partners in cohabitation: concept and conditions for legal recognition of cohabitation, legal consequences of cohabitation; 4. Legal regulation of relationships between parents and children: establishment of relationships between parents and children (determination of paternity/maternity, adoption), parental care, duty of maintenance, contact between parents and children, other rights and duties of parents and children; 5. State measures for the protection of the child's best interests.