Migration and anti-racism

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Jelka Zorn
Collaborator(s): Irena Šumi


Subject content:

Students become acquainted with specific data from this field (who are refugees, immigrants, members of ethnic minorities, relevant institutions, legislation, global and Slovenian trends, statistics,  etc.). The theoretical part will include the conceptualisation of migrations (global inequalities, immigration control, autonomy of migration, mobility strategies), citizenship and human rights. Students will learn about asylum proccedure, residential conditions and  tasks for social workers in refugee camps, how to support women and unaccompanied refugee children, integration principles, forced marriages, the rights of women etc. The subject will also address the tran-generational discrimination of Roma communities and the question of the erasure of  from the Register of Permanent Residents of Slovenia. The principles of empowerment,, s possibilities for overcoming patriarchal constrains and social distance will also be discussed.