Year: 2
Study program: Social work
Holder: Barbara Kresal
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
30 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 65 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
Introduction: Definition of basic terms. The origin and development of labour law. Systematics. Legal sources. Principles of labour law. Human rights at work.
Individual labour law: Employment relationship. Employee and employer. Contract of employment. Basic characteristics. Definition of the terms 'employee', 'employment relationship', 'employment contract' in relation to other legal forms in which work is performed for another, and the question of the scope of labour law (to whom labour law applies). Disguised employment relationships. The relationship between the status of employees and the status of the self-employed. Bogus self-employed. Criteria for determining the existence of an employment relationship.
Prohibition of discrimination in employment relationships. Direct and indirect discrimination, harassment at work, retaliatory measures. Sanctions. Positive actions. Intersectional discrimination. Inclusive working environment, the principle of equal opportunities and equal treatment.
Conclusion of an employment contract. Conditions. Protection of the candidate in the selection process. Form and content of the contract of employment. Obligations of contractual parties (employee: performance of work, obligation to inform, prohibition of harmful action, protection of trade secrets, non-competition clause; employer: provision of work, obligation to pay, provision of safe and healthy working conditions, protection of the worker's personality, privacy and dignity at work).
Types of contracts of employment. Employment contract for an indefinite period and "non-standard" forms of employment (fixed-term, part-time, home/tele-work, agency work, etc.). Precarious employment.
Change. Suspension of the contract. Change of employer.
Termination of employment contract. Modes of: expiry of a fixed-term contract, the employer's death, the employee's death, mutual agreement of the parties, dismissal, resignation, court ruling, ex lege. Regular and extraordinary termination; formal and substantive requirements; notice periods; severance pay; collective dismissals, dismissals in case of insolvency and dissolution of the employer; special protection against dismissal for certain groups of workers.
Rights, obligations and responsibilities from the employment relationship: traineeship, probationary period, remuneration, working time, night work, breaks, rest periods, annual leave, other absences from work, etc.
Special protection of certain groups of workers.
Health and safety at work.
Labour inspection. Enforcement and protection of rights.
Collective labour law: Concepts. Workers' and employers' organisations. Freedom of association. Trade unions. Collective bargaining and collective agreements. Strike and other industrial actions. Workers' participation.