Social Inequality and Social Policy

Degree: 1
Year: 2
Study program: Social work

Holder: Srečo Dragoš

Subject content:

General aims: Understanding the origins and purpose of theoretical explanations focused on problems of social action, structure and social transformations; developing a sensitivity for controversies triggered by ways of record-keeping, making sense and rejecting within individual theoretical approaches; illustrating the relativity of the perception of social facts with a reflection of concrete social processes and through examples of sociological research.

Specific aims: a systematic reflection about the key theoretical quandary in the understanding of contemporary societies, where sociology also cannot give satisfactory or final answers; namely, how to establish, maintain and direct the organised complexity of contemporary social structures. In this regard, what is the importance of the procedures and activities practiced by individual and collective actors, what is the role of the structure of these activities, the importance of resource accessibility and power distribution for the regulation of contradictions. The usefulness of the theoretical explanations provided by social work.

Subject specific competencies: the ability to analyse the social context (understanding of theories or their range, a critical reflection on theoretical arguments, the ability to deduct