Year: 2
Study program: Social work
Holder: Primož Rakovec
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
Origins of the discourse of psychopathology. Psychiatric prehistory (untill 1700s), history and epistemology. Anti-psychiatric movement and deintitutionalization. Normal and abnormal. Stigma of people with mental disorders. Notions of mental disfunction, illness, disorder, and criteria. Medical and psychosocial model of treating mental disorders. The diagnostic approaches – categorial and altrnative, dimensional models. Psychotherapeutic techniques and credences about the emergence and maintenance of mental disorders. New trends in the philosophy of psychiatry.