Year: 3
Study program: Social work
Holder: Bojana Mesec
Collaborator(s): Primož Rakovec, Mojca Suhovršnik
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
20 | 10 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
- Definition of social work in the work environment as a specific field;
- work and unemployment;
- development, models and importance of corporate social responsibility and human resource management;
- development and modern models of social work in the work environment;
- quality of working life and contradictions between the needs of the organization and the needs of the employees;
- conflicts between family and work life;
- solving problems at the workplace in the triangle employee - manager - social worker;
- specific areas of tasks in the work environment (assistance in crisis situations, illness and disability, family obligations, addiction, conflict resolution in interpersonal relationships, etc.)
- mobbing in the workplace
- employee motivation
- history of social work in work organizations in Slovenia and abroad.