Year: 3
Study program: Social work
Holder: Amra Šabić
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
30 | 20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
The topic deals with new risks that have arisen as a result of the social changes of recent years. The changing relationship between the economy and the state affects the importance and scope of the welfare state and leads to changes in the labour market, education and opportunities for independent living for young people. We will focus on both the risks and the effects. Content:
- The influence of social inequalities on the risks of young people (individualization of social inequalities, distribution logic of wealth and risks)
- Life courses in risk societies (career and life courses, transition opportunities in social classes, unemployment, growing up and becoming independent, family life of young people).
- Risky lifestyles (addictions, risky sexual practices, violence, eating disorders)
- Equal opportunities and risks for young people (access to education, dropping out of education, access to employment (unemployment), access to housing (homelessness), access to health (diseases as a result of risks)
- Strategies for coping with risks (concept of harm reduction)
- Young people and local knowledge about risk management: rules, norms, tactics
- Young people's responses to risk (social networks, community resources, innovation, social movements)