
Degree: 1
Year: 2
Study program: Social work

Holder: Amra Šabić

Subject content:
  • A social definition of addiction based on the concept of human needs and a holistic approach
  • The micro- and macro-social dimensions of addiction, types of addiction, trends and prevalence.
  • Ethnographic research in the field of addiction.
  • Phenomena of the different forms of addiction, typologies, careers and identities, stigmatisation, everyday life.
  • Social work in the field of addiction (approaches, models, methods).
  • Prevention, harm reduction, rehabilitation and recovery.
  • Basic social work methods in the field of addiction and addiction-related risk behaviour (risk analysis and response planning).
  • Ethics of social work in the field of addiction.
  • History of action in the field of addiction.
  • Bio-psycho-socio-ecological model.
  • Discourses (legal, moral, medical and social).
  • Treatment approaches (high and low-threshold programmes).
  • Medical and social models for the treatment of different types of addiction.