Quality of Working Life

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Barbara Kresal

Subject content:
  • Definitions and concepts. The importance of the quality of working life for the quality of people's lives and for the company's performance. Labour and human rights. Fundamental social rights. Social justice.
  • Work in the contemporary society. Career. Different forms of employment. Employment security and employability.
  • Remuneration, working time, lifelong learning, safety and health at work and other workers' rights. The right to decent working and living conditions. The concept of decent work, decent pay. In-work poverty.
  • Prohibition of discrimination. Prohibition of direct and indirect discrimination, harassment at work. Equal opportunities and equal treatment at work.
  • Workers' right to privacy. Information and communitation technology (ICT) at work, artificial intelligence and employment relations. Supervision of workers.
  • Work-life balance. Changes in the traditional work-life cycle. Family friendly companies.
  • Workers' involvement in decision-making. Autonomy at work. Trade unions. Workers' participation.