Year: 2
Study program: Social work
Holder: Anamarija Kejžar
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
25 | 25 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 75 | 125 | 5 |
Subject content:
The following areas are covered
- definition of innovation in long-term care (importance, types, role of social work in creating innovation)
- the impact of innovation in long-term care on the quality of life of older people
- the innovation process from idea to implementation,
- exploring the needs of users and their central role in the innovation process
- strengthening the power of users in long-term care
- a culture that encourages creativity and ideas, management of the innovation process
- forms of teamwork in the field of innovation in long-term care
- the impact of innovation on the development of long-term care,
- new approaches and methods in long-term care
- innovation as development potential in long-term care
- transfer of knowledge and ideas via examples of good practice