Social solidarity in non-European world and post-colonial social work

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Irena Šumi
Collaborator(s): Sara Pistotnik


Subject content:

The course deals with two main sources for globalized social work: the social and cultural anthropological archive of the 20th and 21st centuries on the social structure of non-European societies, and today's starting points and practices of globalized, post-colonial social work. Through selected chapters from the history of the study of non-European societies, colonialism and neo-colonialism, and today's specific social work practices in the non-European world, we will primarily review social work practices that combine traditional indigenous principles of social solidarity and justice with the universalized fundamental postulates of global social work. Possible selected chapters include:

  • Anthropological records from the archive of North American indigenous societies; 
  • Anthropological records from the archive of sub-Saharan African indigenous societies and political entities;
  • Anthropological records from the archives of Asian indigenous societies and political entities;
  • Colonial and neo-colonial practices in the non-European world: the legacy of divisive policies, wars, racisms, genocides;
  • Individual, family, kinship, clan systems: some frameworks of non-European social systems through the history of classical anthropology and colonial processes;
  • "Grassroots" social work in postcolonialisms: methods, ideologies and effects;
  • Fusion of indigenous concepts of sociality, justice and solidarity with the Western unified model in the 21st century.