Project type: EU Erasmus +
Beginning: 01.09.2022
End: 31.08.2025
Funding: European commision
Leader: izr. prof. dr. Nina Mešl
projektni partner v Sloveniji je Center za socialno delo Spodnje Podravje
The overall aim of the project is to develop and test a new model and approach of a "learning and innovation lab" to provide more integrated and person-centred services for disadvantaged groups (in Slovenia we will work with families with multiple challenges). We will work to create the environment necessary to bring together stakeholders, including service providers, researchers, educators and user groups, to develop new approaches to service delivery and training. The aim is to develop a platform where new tools are made available to enable professionals in different sectors to develop the new professional competences and skills they need to support service users. This is a step towards more integrated models of support and helps in the delivery of high quality services.