RAINER GABRIEL, Ph.D. Researcher and Lecturer, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Associated Researcher LIVES - Swiss Centre for Expertise in Life Course Research.
Over the past two decades, the life course paradigm has gained substantial traction across various academic disciplines. While qualitative research has a long-standing tradition of examining the life course through biographical interviews, quantitative research remains fragmented, both in data collection and analytical techniques. This methodological contribution addresses recent advancements in these two areas. In terms of data collection, I introduce the life calendar as a tool for gathering retrospective data. I also discuss the increasing availability of high-quality longitudinal datasets and the establishment of harmonization initiatives. Regarding data analysis, current approaches can be categorized into two schools of thought. The first school emphasizes life events and integrates them into outcome analysis using regression modeling. The second school adopts a more holistic approach rooted in statistical data mining, with sequence analysis being central to this method. Developed at the LIVES Centre, sequence analysis is a powerful tool for the analysis of complex life course data. I will explore the theoretical foundations of each approach, discuss their respective strengths and limitations, and provide examples of analyses in the fields of poverty research and epidemiology.