Year: 2
Study program: Social work
Holder: Milko Poštrak
Collaborator(s): Marko Mesec
P | S | V | KV | DOŠ | SD | ∑ | ECTS |
15 | 0 | 175 | 0 | 0 | 60 | 250 | 10 |
Subject content:
- The planning and execution of a project or a small innovation (the work of action project groups).
- Team work and work with groups.
- Methods of needs research in the community (rapid needs assessment etc.).
- Outreach in public or institutional spaces.
- Fundraising strategies.
- Strategies of forming alliances (at the organisational and personal levels).
- Advocacy and public advocacy.
- User empowerment.
- Provision of user influence in the entire process of the social security service (from the first contact to the last service evaluation of the user).
- Strategies of service planning.
- Mediation, negotiation.
- Use of legal knowledge in resolving people's specific problems.
- Communication in the community and in organisational contexts.
- Assessment of obstacles in the community, the organisation and/or social system for people with special needs.
- Sensitivity to occurrences of social inequality and exclusion (at the systemic level, legislative level, level of everyday life).
- Intervision methods and techniques.