Social Anthropology

Degree: 1
Year: 3
Study program: Social work

Holder: Darja Zaviršek
Collaborator(s): Sara Pistotnik


Subject content:

Anthropology introduces theoretical concepts and comparative analyses of global understanding of cultural differences between ethnicities, peoples and human groups into social work. The subject encompasses the history of anthropology and its specialisations; questions of the interconnectedness of the social sciences and the importance of anthropology in social work. The study subject will place in the foreground the social, economic and symbolic aspects of the cultural. A special part will include the anthropology of health mainly focusing on questions of the social constructions of health, disease, madness, pain, body, its organs and commodifications, handicap and health institutions, and healers/medical doctors in different cultural contexts. An important component is field research, emic/etic aspects, interview, ethical dilemmas; the perspective of indigenous people; questions of the social engagement of anthropology. Important topics include ecological anthropology, anthropological critic of the  antropocentrism; the anthropology of war and peace.