Research Seminar

Degree: 1
Year: 4
Study program: Social work

Holder: Liljana Rihter

Subject content:

1. Conducting research and its presentation. The seminar assignment can be:

  • a report on empirical research conducted by a student (can be research in preparation for a diploma thesis, can be part of research),
  • report on the analysis of the student's own practical work,
  • the plan of the empirical research that the student intends to carry out in the thesis,
  • presentation of empirical research based on literature with critical analysis (presentation of a published research report),
  • presentation of a special research method or technique,
  • discussion about a method, methodological problem or field,
  • presentation of a statistical method or technique (its logic, calculations and applications).

2. Critical examination of the seminar assignments of other students, a diary containing:

  • Basic bibliographic information about the presented seminar assignment (author, title, date of presentation)
  • Short presentation of the content (up to 1/2 page)
  • Relevant aspects of the methodology: what of the presented methodology will (would) be useful in its own topic (how and why)
  • Disadvantages of the methodology: what of the presented methodology could be done differently, how and why)