Social Security

Degree: 1
Year: 2
Study program: Social work

Holder: Grega Strban
Collaborator(s): Sara Bagari


Subject content:

General part:

Introduction into the law of social security. Defining the law of social security and delineation from other legal fields and scientific disciplines (especially economics and sociology). Basic systems and basic notions (social state, social protection, social security, social risk, social insurance, social assistance, social promotions and advantages, social compensations). Basic principles of social security. The sources of law (international and national). The social legal relationship. The two-sided or social insurance relationship or social insurance relationship. The one-sided social legal relationship. The subjects of rights and obligations. The typology of rights, qualifying and terminating conditions, typology of obligations. Protection of rights and ensuring meeting the obligations. Obligations of the State. Organisation of social security systems. Historical development of social security in Slovenia and in the world.

Special part:

a) Healthcare and health insurance. Basic notions and healthcare systems. Health insurance. Mandatory health insurance. Various private health insurances. Organisation of health provision and supervision

b) Pension and invalidity insurance
Systems of income protection in old-age. NDC schemes (virtual pension accounts). Insurance for old-age (mandatory and various kinds of private insurances). Insurance for partial or complete incapacity for work (invalidity insurance). Rights of persons with disabilities. Rights of work invalids. Insurance for decease of insured person. Widow/er’s insurance. Family insurance. Rights of mixed nature.
Acquisition, enjoyment and loss of entitlements.

c) Unemployment insurance
Basic notions and systems in case of unemployment. Kind, scope and conditions for obtaining the rights from unemployment insurance. Rights to active employment measures. Protection of children and families. System of protecting a child and a family.

d) Parental care insurance and family benefits
Maternity, paternity parental leave and benefits. Part-time work due to childcare. System of family benefits.
Rights at childbirth. Rights for maintaining a child. Rights of disabled children.

e) Social assistance
Basic notions and social assistance systems. The scope of entitled persons. The system of social assistance in cash. The system of social services
Organisation, financing and provision of social assistance.