Social Procedural Law

Degree: 1
Year: 3
Study program: Social work

Holder: Grega Strban
Collaborator(s): Sara Bagari


Subject content:

General administrative procedure
General notions (administrative procedural law, general and special administrative procedures, administrative matter). Basic principles. COmpetence. Parties (bodies, clients, advocacy, other participants). Communication between bodies and clients (language, claim, invitation, minutes, disclosure of documents, sending of documents). Deadlines and procedural costs. Procedure at first instance (commencement, profs), decisions and conclusions. Legal remedies (complaint, extraordinary legal remedies).

Special administrative procedures
Characteristics, their importance for social work. Relation towards the general administrative procedure. Procedures in the field of social assistance, health, pension and invalidity, parental care, long-term care insurances, family benefits, protection of elderly.

Social dispute
Definition of a social dispute. Organization and composition of social courts. Jurisdiction and claimants. Scope of judicial review. Basic principles. Procedure at the first instance social court. Decisions. Appeal. Legal remedies. Execution.

Constitutional review
Constitutional complaint. Claim for legality and constitutionality review. Competence. Procedure. Decisions.

International protection of social rights
European Court of Human Rights, European Committee of Social Rights. Protection at the UN and ILO bodies.