Handicap and Gender Studies in Social Work: Independent Life and Support

Degree: 1
Year: 3
Study program: Social work

Holder: Ana Marija Sobočan
Collaborator(s): Darja Zaviršek


Subject content:

Theoretical understanding and historical perspective:

  • innovations in the field of disability;
  • the impact of gender on disability;
  • identifying violence and working with victims and perpetrators.

Practical methods:

  • Conversation, deconstruction of conversations and support (understanding personal experience and individual perspective);
  • understanding power and violence;
  • positive discrimination/affirmative action;
  • empowerment and empowerment for self-advocacy, advocacy, assertiveness, ethnography;
  • Identification of users' needs and their rights (work, poverty, socialising, stigma, living, mobility);
  • forms of work in different settings;
  • social skills training;
  • work and employment for people with intellectual disabilities;
  • independent living in the community, returning to the community;
  • action social work: "anti nimby";
  • or working with the community;
  • support for relatives/relatives;
  • support for relatives/relatives;
  • personal assistance and family helper;
  • vocational rehabilitation and paid employment;
  • understanding of legal procedures (legislation on family, guardianship, guidance procedures, employment);
  • loss and mourning;
  • psychosocial support for people with intellectual disabilities;
  • the politicisation of social work: impact on specific social policies social work procedures in the sphere of public services, institutions, NGOs, private organisations.