Dear colleagues,
We are again kindly inviting you to Dubrovnik to attend the conference Breaking the ICE: The Inter-COVID Edition of Social Work in Dubrovnik.
After an intermission of 2020 we are resuming with social work events in Dubrovnik at tthe Inter-University Centre (IUC - For this year, for these reasons, we will stage more of a conference rather than courses as we usually do.
The main topics for this gathering – transversing the usual topics - will be:
- Anti-colonial Perspectives in Social Work, Social Policy and Beyond
- Covid-19 epidemic, the rise of authoritarianism and Digital Rights
- Self-organisation beyond representative democracy.
The format of the conference will ensure a mix of plenary lectures and panels, parallel symposia and workshops and the conference assemblies. For those, who will not be able to travel there will be daily on-line sessions and some streaming of chosen events.
The IUC School offers a place for dialogues at an international level to explore the new challenges and roles that social work will play in addressing these issues. Therefore, all researchers, decision makers, service providers, users, representatives of non-governmental organizations and all others are invited to Dubrovnik. The conference will start on Monday 6th of September with a welcome assembly and will take place intensely on following three days 7th to 9th September, with some optional events on Friday 10 September.
Participants are invited to submit abstracts of their contributions to the parallel sessions be it on-line or in the venue. Posters can be exhibited in the halls of the venue or in the classrooms. These abstracts will be reviewed by the course directors and if in line with the planned workshops and accepted, the participants will be given the opportunity to present them in the proceedings. For formal confirmation, send the abstract not later than September 1st (see attached abstract form).
You can find the application forms and abstract forms on the web page of IUC:
We are looking forward to seeing you in Dubrovnik!
Katarina Ficko
On the behalf of the Organising Committee