Pri vsaki partnerski univerzi številka v oklepaju pomeni, koliko študentk se lahko prijavi nanjo s FSD.
Spletna brošura o Erasmus izmenjavah
‘’Brno je študentsko mesto, kjer prihaja vsako leto ogromno tujih študentov. Lahko bi rekli, da je Brno mesto študentov, še posebej od pred nekaj leti. To pomeni, da je študentsko vzdušje v Brnu neverjetno skozi vse leto. Velik plus mesta je tudi lokacija v centralni Evropi, od koder je zelo enostavno potovati v druga mesta in države. Kar sem doživela in se naučila v samo slabih 5 mesecih, ne vem, če bi se lahko naučila v življenju. Nenehno odkrivaš nekaj novega, kar te še bolj pritegne k poskušanju novih stvari, spoznavanju novih ljudi,…’’ - Brno
- Brno: Masaryk University, Department of Social Policy and Social Work info (1 štud.) Practicalities Brošura Poročilo Poročilo Poročilo "Here you can find the course catalogue: The course catalogue gets usually updated one semester in advance. Therefore, some of the courses might not be taught in the next academic year, and some courses may be added. Students have an option to make a reservation at the dorms: The price list you can find here: Also, it is possible to find private accommodation:"
- Hradec Kralove: University of Hradec Kralove info (2 štud.). Practicalities "You can find our List of Courses for this Academic Year here. A preliminary list of courses for the next year will be published in February/March. The offer is not 100% same every year, but only a minority of the courses changes. The list is regularly updated here on our website. Students are free to choose from all the courses, even outside of their department. Regarding the accommodation – we do have university Halls of Residence, in which most of our students stay during their mobilities. You can find more information about it here. The pricelist is attached as well. Prices are different for each block because some of them are newly reconstructed and modernized."
- Ostrava: University of Ostrava info (1 štud.) Brošura Poročilo "The list of faculty courses is available here Students can request for accommodation in the university dormitory. But we cannot guarantee it. Price of accommodation there is between 125-160 EUR per month. Other options of accommodation are available here All neccessary information about our faculty and study here is available in this students guide
- Plzen: University of West Bohemia info (2 štud.) Practicalities BROŠURA "We offer four courses related directly to social work: Social work with children and family + Contact as a key feature of social work + Research methods for social workers + Readings in Social Science and Philosophy. Yes, our university helps Erasmus students with accommodation. The International Office manages registration to the university student halls. The prices in 2022 were from 3070(double room, shared facilities in the corridor) to 4990 (single room, en-suite facilities). In Pilsen are also several private student halls (with prices similar to university dorms)."
‘’Budimpešta ima izjemno dober mestni promet, vse je lahko dostopno, arhitektura je izredno lepa. Ima dva milijona prebivalcev, vendar se ne čuti prevelike gostote ljudi, ko hodiš po glavnih ulicah. Nikoli ti ni dolgčas, saj ponuja veliko dejavnosti. V začetku izmenjave lahko dobiš Erasmus buddya (študenta iz gostujoče univerze), ki ti pomaga pri administraciji in morebitnih težavah.’’ - Budimpešta
- Budimpešta: Károli Gáspár University, Institute of Social Work and Deaconry info (2 štud.) Practicalities Poročilo Poročilo Poročilo Poročilo "The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences shares more than 80 courses a semester. The course list is usually shared 1-2 months before the semester starts. Therefore, it is not possible to plan ahead, however, you can check previous semesters here as well, as they will be very similar each academic year. Student accommodation is available for incoming exchange students. We have a website with details about student dormitories and other accommodation possibilities as well. Erasmus students have to pay 35.000 HUF/month (approx. 90 EUR) for a dormitory placement."
Življenjski stroški so manjši, poljski izobraževalni sistem velja za enega najboljših v Evropi. Odlično razmerje med ceno in kakovostjo študija.
"Kakovost študija je bila izjemna, saj so predavanja bila zanimiva in interaktivna. Pouk je potekal na način, da smo veliko debatirali, delali v skupinah in sodelovali. Profesorice so se trudile vzpostaviti dinamiko, kjer so bili študenti in profesorji enakovredni. Zelo sem bila zadovoljna z vsebinami predmetov. Mesto je zelo veliko in ponuja mnogo aktivnosti. Samo mestno jedro se mi je zdelo prečudovito. Varšava ima svoj čar tako pozimi kot tudi poleti, a šele v toplejših mesecih resnično zacveti. Mesto je tako veliko, da klub temu, da sem bila tam več mesecev, nisem uspela pogledati vseh koncev.’’ - Varšava, Maria Grzegorzewska University
- Kielce: University of Jana Kochanowskega (2 štud.)
- Krakov: Pedagogical University of Cracow info (1 štud.) Poročilo Glejte Institute of Social Pedagogy and Family Support. "Unfortunately, we have not opened the recruitment process yet (Jan 2022), thereby there have not been prepared a list of modules for upcoming 2023/2024 academic year, but I recommend you to check the offer for the current one: and information about our dormitory: The courses offer will be updated in March 2023."
- Varšava: Universytet warszawski - Institute of social policy info (2 štud.) "We are very glad and honoured that you would like to promote our university among your students! Please find attached our brochure about the University of Warsaw and our factsheet. Our online course catalogue is available here: Additionally: our academic calendar: and short videos about our university: & As for the accommodation: we have some places in double rooms in UW student dorms. Rent is very reasonable, up to about 130 euro at most. Many students prefer to rent an apartment with their classmates – sharing a flat in Warsaw is also not very expensive (circa 550-650 euro a month for a 2-3-bedroom flat). We prepared a guide with our Faculty of Law with useful links and example tenancy agreement forms, which we send to admitted students.
- Varšava: Maria Grzegorzewska University info (2 štud.) Practicalities Poročilo Poročilo Poročilo2023 Poročilo
Poceni država. Vsi študenti imajo pravico do brezplačne uporabe železnice po vsej Romuniji (kot nalašč za tiste, ki radi potujete). Univerza v Oradei ponuja poceni namestitev v študentskem domu, nima pa veliko Erasmus študentov.
- Cluj: Universitatea Babes-Bolyali, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work (1 štud.) info Practicalities Courses Poročilo "Please note we cannot send you the courses for the 2023-2024 academic year - we only get those in June/July 2023. However, I can send you the courses at our Faculty of Sociology and Social Work available this year - please note most of them are offered in English on a tutorial basis. Changes are expected to occur, but for a general view, this document should be useful. Regarding accommodation, your students can check more details at the link: Mobility Information – Centrul de Cooperări Internaționale ( We can offer a limited number of places for Erasmus+ students in our dormitories - which are either double or triple occupancy - so far, we have managed to offer all incoming students who wanted to stay in the dormitory a place."
- Oradea: Partiumi Kereszteny Egyetem info (2 štud.) Predmetnik
Informacije in razpisi
Borut Petrović Jesenovec
Erasmus koordinator
Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za socialno delo
Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 1 280 92 73
Pisarna št. 6
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