Pri vsaki partnerski univerzi številka v oklepaju pomeni, koliko študentk se lahko prijavi nanjo s FSD.
Spletna brošura o Erasmus izmenjavah
- Osijek: Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku info (2 štud.) Zelo priporočljivo za tiste, ki znajo srbo-hrvaško, možne pa so tudi samo kunzultacije v angleščini. Poudarek je na človekovih pravicah. Mesto je zelo lepo in cenejše od Zagreba. Practicalities Brošura Predmeti Cene "Overall information for incoming students can be found at: on the right hand-side menu. Courses that are available in English / other foreign language / for exchange students in 2022/2023 are listed at: Also, if students need some specific courses offered / available at other faculties within the University, they are welcome to select only from two different faculties courses for their Learning agreement. Since the number of dormitory rooms for incoming Erasmus students are limited, they can send to me an e-mail (after your nomination and when they are accepted) that they are interested to stay in the double-bedroom at the student dormitory (the approximate monthly cost of accommodation is ca. 120 EUR) and then I will put them on our waiting list and after evaluation (I will let them when exactly) I will let them know if they got the room at the student dormitory. If students do not want to stay at the student dormitory or if there are no more rooms available, then they should contact our Erasmus Student Network Osijek. Their e-mail is: or FB: They will help them to find accommodation in Osijek."
- Zagreb: Univerza u Zagrebu info (2 štud.) Lahko študirate v hrvaščini, na voljo pa so tudi predmeti v angleščini. Poročilo Poročilo "Please find our Course Catalogue attached. However, please keep in mind that the current version of the Course Catalogue can still undergo some additional changes. Regarding the accommodation options, unfortunately we are not able to provide such service. Although, we can recommend our student residence halls as an alternative to private accommodation, which is getting more expensive each year. For more information on housing options and offered student residence halls in Zagreb, please visit the following links: + +"
Potrebno je znanje italijanščine.
- Milano: Universita degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Department of Sociology and Social Research info (2 štud.)
- Pisa: Universita di Pisa, Department of political sciences info (1 štud.)
- Trento: Università 'degli Studi di Trento info (2 štud.) Practicalities Brošura1 Brošura2 Boršura3 Boršura4 "At this link your students can find the list of the courses: it is an excel document, so they have to search the Department of Sociology and filter the data according their interests. More info here: Students have to search a private accomodation, we provide all the necessary information here: As you may know, last year was really difficult for the students to find an accomodation (not only in Trento, but in all Europe). Trento is surrounded by many villages, well served by public transportation, so we suggest to search also near the city and not only in the city center."
- Porto: Instituto Superior de Servicio Social do Porto info (1 štud.). Na voljo so samo individualne konzultacije v angleščini. Poročilo Na voljo sta programa: Social Gerontology: ISSSP - Bachelor Social Gerontology - Despacho 6311/08 no Ano lectivo de 2021 ( Social Work: ISSSP - Bachelor Social Work - Despacho 2014/2007 no Ano lectivo de 2021 ( "Concerning accommodation: We are a private university and we don´t have residences for student. But in Porto they can find so many options at shared appartements for students and for erasmus students. I leave here other options at residences for students at Oporto and contacts for shared appartements. Porto Student Residence - LIV Student Portugal + Residências universitárias em Porto — Livensa Living Portugues + Residência Universitária Porto | U.hub Xior Campus Asprela ( + + I leave some informations about Porto here: Visit Porto"
- Beograd: Univerzitet u Boegradu (2 štud.) info "Due to a huge number of students at UB, unfortunately accommodation for Erasmus+ students is not granted at student dormitories, and students need to find private accommodation."
- Niš: Univerzitet u Nišu, Filozofski fakultet, Departman za socijalnu politiku in socijalni rad (2 štud.) info PREDMETNIK
- Novi Sad: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Filozofski fakultet (4 štud.), info "Course list (use filter for social work): I copy Accommodation info part form our FactSheet: all Erasmus+ students are supported by the ESN Novi Sad in finding an appropriate private accommodation. Please note that places in student dorms are not offered in Erasmus+ as an alternative, given that there is highly limited dorm capacity for foreign students. Final decision on private accommodation remains the responsibility of the incoming student/staff. If you need a buddy to assist you with accommodation matters, please contact ESN Novi Sad : Estimated costs of living are around 300-400 EUR per month."
‘’To je bila moja druga Erasmus+ izmenjava in bila je čisto drugačna od prve. V Sevilji sem se končno lotila vseh stvari, za katere sem že leta govorila, da bi jih rada počela (hodila v fitnes, se učila bachate, salse, flamenca in sevillane …). Za Erasmovce je bilo odlično poskrbljeno s strani ESN (Erasmus Student Netowrk) in pa Erasmus Club Sevilla. Pa tudi ogromno drugih aktivnosti so organizirali. Sploh prvi mesec, ko je bilo vsak dan nekaj, saj so imeli welcome month. Španci so noro prijazni in topli ljudje, zelo odprti. Hrana je super, vreme je popolno za take, ki ne maramo zime, pa še mesto je eno izmed najlepših mest v Španiji.’’ - Sevillia
‘’Z izmenjavo sem bila zelo zadovoljna. Najprej sem šla na izmenjavo le za en semester, ker pa sem se imela tako dobro, sem jo podaljšala na kar 10 mesecev. Predavanja so vsa v španščini, vendar s tem nisem imela ogromnih problemov. Res je, da sem prišla v Španijo z zelo slabim znanjem jezika, ker se je nisem učila (v šoli, tečaji), ter sem se zato morala veliko učiti, vendar se s trudom in voljo vse da!’’ - Granada
- Barcelona: Ramon Llull University, Faculty of social education and social work info (2 štud.) Poročilo Potrebno znanje španščine.
- Granada: Universidad de Granada, Faculdad de trabajo Social info (1 štud./5 mes.) Poročilo
- Madrid: LaSalle info (2 štud.) Practicalities Poročilo "We offer a interdisciplinar module taught in English in Spring semester. You can check subjects at Module Info Regarding internship we could find options of internship in english at schools. Of course if students have got a B1 level of spanish could follow regular lessons and internship. We have a residence at the campus that can be used some weeks to search for a longer period accommodation."
- Malaga: Facultad de Estudios Sociales y del Trabajo info (1 štud.) Potrebno znanje španščine. "You can consult in the following link the different subjects that compose the SOCIAL WORK at the University of Malaga. As for accommodation you can request information in the following email they will inform you of the possibilities that can be used for housing."
- Pamplona: Universidad Publica de Navarra info (2 štud.). Practicalities Poročilo Študij v angleščini v prvem semestru."I'm sending attached to this email the subjects' offer for the Social Work students who could visit us in the autumn semester. Concerning the accommodation options, here you will find the practical information your students may need. In the last few years various residence halls have been built in the city and all students visiting Upna in September had found a place to stay before actually coming."
- San Sebastian/Bilbao: University of Deusto info (4 štud.) Practicalities Brošura1 Brošura2 Poročilo Zasebna univerza Deusto v Baskiji ima dve izpostavi z enako ponudbo predmetov v španščini, ena je v obmorskem mestu Donostia/San Sebastian, druga pa v Bilbau. Seznam predmetov je TULE "All the exchange students have the possibility to take 2 courses maximum from another degree, such as Communication, Tourism, or Business. Also, they have a nice offer in the Virtual Campus. Spanish courses and Introduction to the Basque Language are also offered." Mesto Donostia Promocijski video
- Sevilla: Universidad pablo de Olavide de Sevilla info (1 štud.) Poročilo Poročilo2 Poročilo3 "Here you can find our academic offer: Accommodation options, you will find in page 8:chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ "
- Vigo: Universidade de Vigo info (2 štud.) Practicalities
- Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza info (2 štud.)
Informacije in razpisi
Borut Petrović Jesenovec
Erasmus koordinator
Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za socialno delo
Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 1 280 92 73
Pisarna št. 6
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