Erasmus partnerske Univerze - Zahodna Evropa

Pri vsaki partnerski univerzi številka v oklepaju pomeni, koliko študentk se lahko prijavi nanjo s FSD.

Spletna brošura o Erasmus izmenjavah


Glavno mesto Dunaj je znano po svoji bogati kulturni dediščini, vrhunskih univerzah in cvetoči umetniški sceni, zato je idealna destinacija za študente, ki iščejo akademsko odličnost in kulturno poglobitev. Gradec, drugo največje avstrijsko mesto, združuje živahno študentsko ozračje z dobro ohranjenim starim mestnim jedrom (pod Unescovo zaščito) in izjemnimi akademskimi ustanovami. Dornbirn v slikovitih Alpah, na meji s Švico, Liechtensteinom in Nemčijo, je enkratno okolje za ljubitelje narave. Tam lahko v drugem semestru študirate v angleščini. Linz se ponaša z ravnovesjem med sodobnostjo in tradicijo, enako kot Innsbruck, ki ga obdaja tirolsko visokogorje.

‘’Pred izmenjavo je moja angleščina šepala, nisem je veliko uporabljala, hkrati je vedno zmanjkovalo časa za branje angleške literature, jezik je bil ena mojih glavnih ovir. Erasmus je bil moj prvi odhod v tujino za daljše obdobje. Skratka, pred izmenjavo me je skrbelo marsikaj. Ob koncu izmenjave lahko rečem, da sem vsekakor izboljšala angleščino, spoznala nove ljudi, predvsem pa spoznala sebe. Če bi imela še eno možnost izbire, bi izbrala isto destinacijo, isto fakulteto.’’ - Dornbirn 

  • Dunaj: FH-Campus Wien info (2 štud.) Practicalities Predmetnik Poročilo Poročilo
  • Feldkirchen: Fachhochschule Kärnten info (3 štud.) Practicalities
  • Gradec: FH Joanneum info (1 štud.) "We only have a very limited number of courses taught in English. In the winter term those are: Social Work Issues and Autonomous Learning (1. semester), 3 ECTS points; International and Intercultural Social Work (1. semester), 2 ECTS points; Development work (3rd semester), 2 ECTS points; Social Work Issues 2 (3rd semester), 2 ECTS points; Practice-oriented Skills (3rd semester), 3 ECTS points. In the summer term, we have 2 courses both in the 4th semester: Social Work in European Context (excursion), 3 ECTS points + International Social Work Systems, 2 ECTS points. All the other courses are taught in German. The link to the curriculum can be found here: Curriculum » Soziale Arbeit ( Regarding accommodation: we expect students to book their accommodation by themselves. We cooperate with one of the largest housing providers in Graz, OEAD housing, and recommend incoming students to apply for housing there. You can find further information here: Preparations » FH JOANNEUM ( kWe have a list of approximate expenses that incoming students may use for reference: Accommodation: 300-500 Euro/month. Food: 300 Euro/month. Student union fee: 22 Euro/semester. Public transport: 162 Euro/semester. Miscellaneous: 250 Euro/month. Total: 900-1100 Euro/month"
  • Innsbruck: MCI Management Center Innsbruck info (2 štud.) Brošura Practicalities
  • Linz: FH OO Studienbetriebs GhbM info (2 štud.) "Via the following link students can find two files with list of courses for winter and summer semesters. Most of the courses don’t change, but some offers may be canceled and new appear. In Steyr campus we provide all courses. I can tell only for Steyr campus, but we don’t have any housing provided by the university. From the side of International office, we always share contacts and links of different accommodations to help students find comfortable place for them to live, but all negotiations are on the student’s side."
  • St. Pölten: Fachhochschule St. Pölten info (1 štud.) Practicalities
  • Dornbirn: Fachhochschule Vorarelberg GmbH info (2 štud.) V drugem semestru predavanja v angleščini: Practicalities Poročilo Courses Bachelor Social Work – summer semester: The International Office organizes accommodation for exchange students. We gurantee a room for every exchange student who apply within the application deadline. Please find all information on our webpage: Please note that due to heavily increased electricity and heating costs, we expect accommodation prices to rise for the academic year 2023/24. The current price are only valid for the academic year 2022/23. Housing is quite expensive in Vorarlberg. Students need to calculate between 400-600€ per month for accommodation. Information concerning general costs of living is available on our website:



Gent in Antwerpen sta odlični izbiri za bogato Erasmus izkušnjo. Slikoviti Gent z bogato zgodovino in živahno umetniško sceno študentom ponuja mešanico kulture in akademskih priložnosti, zato je idealen za tiste, ki se želijo potopiti v dinamično, zgodovinsko, najbolj študentsko mesto v Belgiji. Antwerpen pa je kot nalašč za tiste, ki želijo živeti v velikem pristaniškem mestu.

‘’Najboljša odločitev, kar sem jih sprejela (poleg izbire tega faksa), je bila to, da sem odšla na izmenjavo v Antwerpen. Svojih občutkov o tej izmenjavi ne moram niti zapisati, lahko povem le to, da je bilo fenomenalno, ljudje so prekrasni, v mesto se je zelo lahko zaljubiti in nepredstavljivo težko se je bilo vrniti domov.’’ - Antwerpen 

‘’Mesto je pravljično. Sama sem se zaljubila vanj in ga priporočam vsakemu – mesto je videti staro, a je v njem ogromno mladih ljudi, klubov, restavracij, barov, pubov, kanali so po celem mestecu in v toplejših dnevih ogromno študentov potuje po njih z ladjicami ali pa samo sedi ob kanalih in se druži. V bližini je jezero, kjer se ljudje zbirajo, v hladnejših dneh pa seveda ostajamo v zaprtih prostorih – bowlingi, biljardi, pubi,… Obšolske dejavnosti so ves čas na voljo. Za erasmuse je dobro poskrbljeno – na teden skoraj vedno tri različne aktivnosti (internacionalne večerje, biljardi, rokomet, košarka, zabave, tematske zabave, tekmovanja v raznih igrah, izleti v Amsterdam, mesta po Belgiji, v Paris,… - za vsakega se nekaj najde)’’ - Gent 





Študij je praviloma soliden. Marsikje je možno študirati socialno delo v angleščini: Berlin, Bochum, Frankfurt, Hannover, Hildesheim, Düsseldorf, Wiesbaden, Kassel, Freiburg.

  • Augsburg: Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (1 štud.) Predmetnik v drugem semestru video video2 Študij socialnega dela v angleščini.
  • Berlin: Alice Salomon Hochschule Berlin info (2 štud.) Practicalities Brošura Poročilo 2023  Poročilo Poročilo "You can find the ECTS and course manual of all English-taught courses that might be offered during summer term 2023. Please note that this manual is only valid for summer term 2023 as this study programme started in a new version in summer term 2022 and will replace the old version semester by semester. The exact English (and Spanish) courses may be subject to change every semester, but we guarantee that courses worth at least 30 ECTS will be offered every semester. Usually, the International Curriculum consists of approx. 10-15 courses (e.g. "International Social Work", "Racism and Migration" or "Social Work Practice Methods"). For the time being, we ask all students to choose courses from the attached ECTS and course manual in order to prepare their Learning Agreement. Please note that the exact course details will only be published 2-3 weeks before the start of the semester. You can find an overview of all courses (and their descriptions) that were offered in the past semesters on our website. Regarding accommodation, we have a very small contingent of student dorm rooms that students can apply for in their online application. There are always at least two or three times as many applications than we have rooms, so we cannot guarantee that the student's application can be considered. We can also not help with individual flat search. We have, however, collected tips for the apartment search in Berlin on our website. At the moment, the price range for the student dorms is between 457 and 522 EUR, rooms in private shared apartments are somewhere between 400 and 700 EUR by now." (Dec 2022)
  • Bochum: Evangelische Fachhochschule Rheinland - Westfalen - Lippe info (1 štud.) V drugem semestru ponujajo predmete v angleščini za 30 ECTS: Practicalities Program Reklama "We offer our International Study Programme in English language only in the spring semester. All information on the ISP can be found here: The course list for spring 2023 is there and also in the attachment. German speaking students are welcome for both semesters and can choose from all regular modules: We assist incoming students to find accommodation, mainly with the local housing agency AKAFOE: The price for a room depends on the students’ dorm and is usually between 280 € and 380 €."
  • Düsseldorf: University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf info (4 štud.). Predavanja v angleščini! "For Social Work we have the same plan as last years, you can find it online here: It may happen that a course title changes, but the module code and learning outcomes will be the same. We are planning summer semester 2023, if any student is interested."  Practicalities Brošura Poročilo Poročilo "Regarding your question on the accommodation, I can inform you that we only have a limited number of rooms reserved in the dormitory for exchange students. The rent ranges from 300 €-400 € per month, depending on the type of room. Unfortunately not all students who apply on time can be considered and many exchange students need to search for accommodation on the private market. We provide help by offering information material (see attachment), an online information session on how to search for accommodation before their arrival and we try to organize private room offers from the community of our students and staff members".
  • Erfurt: Fachhochschule Erfurt info (1 štud.) Practicalities
  • Frankfurt/Main info (3 štud.) predmeti v angleščini! Practicalities "The list of courses offered in English can be found on the website of our International Office: - the same courses are offered each semester. I have included a list of course descriptions for the courses offered, including the course “Interdisciplinary General Studies”, which isn’t strictly a social work course but it part of all Bachelor degree programs at the Frankfurt UAS and frequently offers course options in English on varying topics. We are hoping to add 1-2 more courses (5-10 ECTS) in English in social work in 2023/24. Housing: Yes, our International Office assists students with finding housing. Costs generally vary between 480-700€ per month. There are also some spots for incoming international students in student apartment complexes available, which cost significantly less, but only 25% of incoming students are able to be placed here, so there is unfortunately no guarantee."
  • Freiburg info (2 štud.) Practicalities Podatki V prvem semestru ponujajo predmete v angleščini, v drugem v nemščini. Namestitev zagotovljena.
  • Hannover: Hochscule Hannover Video Brošura 2024 Brošura
  • Hildesheim: FH Hildesheim/Holzminden/Goettingen info (2 štud.) Practicalities Izkušnje iz prve roke v priponki.
  • Kassel: University of Kassel, Institute of Social Work and Social Welfare info (2 štud.) Practicalities Brošura V nasprotju z drugimi nemškimi partnerskimi ustanovami, ki so visoke šole (Hochschule), je to prava univerza, zato je načelno bolj kompatibilna z Univerzo v Ljubljani. Socialno delo lahko v Kasslu študirate v angleščini.
  • Köln: Fachhochschule Köln info (1 štud.) Practicalities
  • Landshut: Hochschule Landshut info (1 štud.) Predstavitev Brošura
  • Leipzig: HTWK - University of Applied Sciences Leipzig (2 štud.) Brošura Video "There are housing opportunities of approx. 220,- Euro per month at the Students Service J: Additional to that we offer a buddy programme, an orientation week and German and/or English language courses for incoming students."
  • Magdeburg: Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal info (1 štud.) "We support students in finding accommodation in the city of Magdeburg. A room in a students residence or in a shared apartment is around 280 Euro per month, usually a one time deposit of about 300 Euro is requested as well. We are working on an English peaking Module with 30 ECTS called Diversity, Participation and Inclusion starting from Summer 2024."
  • Merseburg: Hochschule Merseburg info (2 štud.) Practicalities Kar nekaj predmetov v angleščini!
  • München: Katholische Stiftungshochschule München info (2 štud.) V zimskem semestru je mogoče študirati v angleščini v Munchnu (poudarek na človekovih pravicah PROGRAM), v poletnem pa v samostanu v Benediktbeuernu (PROGRAM), 65 km južno od Munchna. Študenke morajo pred izmenjavo končati vsaj drugi letnik. Poročilo video "Accommodation will be offered and around €350 per month."
  • Neubrandenburg: Hochschule Neubrandenburg info (1. štud.) Practicalities Brošura1 Brošura2
  • Nordhausen: Fachhochschule Nordhausen info (2 štud.) Practicalities Brošura Info "From summer (spring) semester on, we will provide English taught courses in the field of social work starting with 30 possible ECTS, which are going to be extended to more modules from summer 2024. Please find the list for the upcoming semester attached. Other courses in English can be found here and also attached. Please find attached also our fact sheet for your students, where information about accommodation is included: We have dormitories on the campus with places for exchange students. Approx. costs until 300 €."
  • Regensburg: Hochschule Regensburg info (2 štud.) Za tiste, ki znate nemško, verjetno najlepše mesto, ki je na voljo kot Erasmus destinacija v Nemčiji. Mesto je pod Unescovo zaščito. reklama video brošura "Our recent course list in English language for SOCIAL WORK can be found here: Exchange students are able to take courses also from our other faculties: Yes we are able to support students with accommodation but we are not automatically offering it. Students have to apply for. Further information can be found here: Furthermore, here are links to our information brochures and fact sheet: +"
  • Wiesbaden: Hochschule RheinMain info (3 štud.) Practicalites Brošura "You can find courses offered in English here: Students with a level of B1 in German might also want to have a look at the course offer in German for the respective program: Regarding housing - We have room contingents with three housing providers in Wiesbaden that students can apply for when submitting their exchange application (rooms are randomly assigned by lot). In addition we are working on finding more accommodation options for incoming exchange students (interim rentals, …). In short – there is no guarantee (yet) as the number of incomings exceeds the number of “our” rooms but we offer support when it comes to finding accommodation. Students should expect monthly expenses to be around 900 Euro (everything included).



Glavno mesto Amsterdam slovi po slikovitih kanalih in živahni kulturni sceni, zato je idealno za študentke, ki iščejo dinamično mešanico akademskega in kulturnega življenja. Breda z živahno študentsko populacijo in zgodovinskim šarmom ponuja bolj intimno okolje za tiste, ki jih zanima študij socialnega dela z zaporniki in kaznjenci. Utrecht, še en zgodovinski nizozemski biser, se ponaša z velikim akademskim ugledom, živahnim mestnim življenjem in mešanico šarma starega sveta s sodobnimi vsebinami. Ede, mirno mesto, obdano z naravo, je namenjeno študentom, ki jih zanimaj pristna izkušnja nizozemskega življenja. Nijmegen, najstarejše mesto na Nizozemskem, je za tiste, ki jih v socialnem delu zanima delo z umetniškimi izraznimi sredstvi.

‘’Študijska izmenjava v Amsterdamu je bila zame izjemna izkušnja, ki mi bo za vedno ostala v lepem spominu. Opravljala sem jo na Hogeschool van Amsterdam, smer Pozitivna psihologija. Program je bil raznolik. Delo je vsebovalo skupinska srečanja, vaje, predavanja, meditiranje itd. Poudarek je bil na komunikaciji, spoznavanju drug drugega, delu na sebi. Pri pogovorih smo odprto debatirali o našem razmišljanju in svojih pogledih na svet.’’ - Amsterdam 

‘’Z izmenjavo sem bil izjemno zadovoljen, saj je to neprecenljiva izkušnja, ki bi jo po mojem mnenju obvezno moral izkusiti vsak študent. Ker si podan v drugo okolje, med drugo kulturo, ti razširi obzorja in odpre oči, če imaš srečo z dobrim študijskim programom, potem je tudi to ogromen plus, saj dobiš nova znanja in sposobnosti. Poleg tega pa je izmenjava izredno zabavna, težko ti je dolgčas. Spoznaš ljudi iz vseh možnih kultur in koncev sveta, na koncu se je celo še težko vrniti, saj se teh ljudi navadiš, ampak je velika prednost, saj imaš poznanstva na vseh možnih koncih sveta. Če razmišljaš o izmenjavi, nehaj razmišljati in se odloči zanjo!’’ - Nijmegen 



Informacije in razpisi


Borut Petrović Jesenovec
Erasmus koordinator
Univerza v Ljubljani
Fakulteta za socialno delo
Topniška 31, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Tel.: +386 1 280 92 73

Pisarna št. 6

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