Na Fakulteti za socialno delo smo med 17. in 22. avgustom gostili mednarodno konferenco TISSA 2018 – The Social Work and Society Accademy z naslovom: Social Work and Solidarity in Search of New Paradigms. Konferenco vsako leto gosti druga evropska šola za socialno delo. Konferenco sestavljata predkonferenčni dogodek, ki je namenjen doktorskim študentkam in študentom in konferenca, katere se je udeležilo 140 raziskovalk in raziskovalcev na področju socialnega dela s 26 različnih držav.
Knjiga povzetkov / Book of Abstracts
Predkonferenčni program / Pre Conference Program
Konferenčni program / TISSA Program Plenum
O TISSI (v angleškem jeziku):
The international ‘Social Work & Society’ Academy (TiSSA) is an independent cooperation between European universities, institutes and organisations. It was built up in 2002 as result of an European TEMPUSTACIS- Project by the initiative of Prof. dr. Hans-Uwe Otto (Bielefeld University, Germany), dr. Olga Borodkina (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Prof. dr. Walter Lorenz (Free University of Bolzano, Italy) and Prof. dr. John Harris (University of Warwick, Great Britain) to enhance and promote the international scientific and professional discourse about social work and its relation to society, especially against the background of fundamental transformations of ‘the social’ in the context of globalization.
TiSSA provides a forum for involving professionals and academics in innovative discussion on theory and practice at the cutting edge of the social professions. Its overall aim is to identify how the needs of a wide range of societies experiencing transition can be met through the generation of new knowledge, concepts and models. The organizers of TiSSA assume, that socio-economical developments indicate categorically that social work has to deal with its relation to the respective societies in a critical way, in order to build out a clear professional profile for the future, for a renewal of perspectives and to improve its agency. Any site of economic, political and social transition poses a challenge to social professions to reflect on new approaches to social work. In doing so, The international ‘Social Work & Society’ Academy focuses on promoting a comparative approach to the analysis of social work andsociety, enhancing the development of knowledge, skills and experience, shaping organizational changes and new governance processes, analyzing quality criteria and reflecting on best practice and encouraging the international dissemination and exchange of information on significant developments.