Delavnica zagovorništva

Termini: 4. 6. in 5. 6. 2010

Izvajalke in izvajalci: Tim Smoldon in David Pennington

Trajanje: 12 ur

V začetku junija nas bosta ponovno obiskala naša prijatelja in strokovnjaka za zagovorništvo na področju duševnega zdravja in zagovornika – Tim Smoldon in David Pennington iz Anglije.

Za kandidate za zastopnike pravic oseb na področju duševnega zdravja bosta izvedla delavnico zagovorništva, ki bo 4. junija (od 16h do 20h) in 5. junija 2010 (od 9h do 17h) na Fakulteti za socialno delo na Topniški 31 v Ljubljani (pred. 8, spodaj)

Delavnica je brezplačna, nanjo pa vabljeni tudi vsi drugi, ki vas zagovorništvo zanima in zadeva, še zlasti na področju duševnega zdravja.

Na delavnico se prijavite na e-mail: Prevod bo organiziran. Prosimo, da v prijavi navedete tudi, v kolikor boste potrebovali prevod.

Program delavnice bo podoben kot na njuni januarski delavnici, vključila pa bosta tudi nekaj novih tem, kot je zagovorništvo za otroke in mladostnike s težavami v duševnem zdravju. Program je pripet vabilu (spodaj).

Še nekaj podatkov o njima:

Tim Smoldon has been an advocate for 14 years, and in that time has provided advocacy support for people of all ages, particularly those with learning disabilities, mental health difficulties, and those who lack capacity. He is Director of Advocacy for Advocacy in Somerset, an organisation that provides a range of advocacy services and produces resources for the wider advocacy movement. He is Chair of the National Advocacy Network, is a past Chair of the South West Advocacy Association, and has done a great deal of developmental work within the sector nationally. He chaired the working group that developed the Independent Advocacy Qualification, has written support material for the qualification and is now a leading tutor and assessor for the qualification.

David Pennington has a Masters degree in social work, and a professional background in Mental Health Social Work, before moving on to specialise in the training and development
of mental health staff for North Dorset Primary Care Trust. David began working for the Care Services Improvement Partnership in 2005 and was responsible for supporting implementation of the Mental Health Act amendments, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards across the South West of England. Implementing the legislation
programme involved working closely with the National policy lead, and locally with both the commissioners and providers of advocacy services. In April 2009 David joined the Department of Health South West, and now has responsibility across the South west for MCA/DOLS, the Dignity in Care programme, and Safeguarding vulnerable adults.


Friday, 4th June 2010
Lecture room 8

16.00 Welcome and introductions
16.10 David and Tim background and how we will be running the sessions
16.20 History of statutory advocacy in England
16.40 The role of the mental Capacity Advocate
17.10 The role of the mental health Advocate
17.40 The role of the Deprivation of Liberty Advocate
17.45 Coffee break
18.00 Exercise
18.30 What services looked like prior to 2007
18.45 What advocacy services look like in England now (TS and DP)
Contracts, commissioning services, employment status, levels of activity and effect of statutory advocacy on existing advocacy services
19.10 What it was like to go through the commissioning process (TS)
19.30 Any questions and setting the agenda for tomorrow

Saturday, 5th June 2010
Lecture room 8

09.00 Welcome and issues raised yesterday
09.20 Part one
11.00 Part two
14.00 Part three
15.15 Coffee
15.30 Part four and conclusions
16.30 Market place David and Tim (The market place at the end of the end of the day is a session where anyone who has a specific question that has not been answered during the day, or at lunch can book a 10 minute appointment to go through their issue with us. Individual consultation time will depend on number of participant who would wish to take individual consultations).
17.30 End

Following themes will be covered in Saturday:
• Why is independent advocacy different from other forms of advocacy?
• Differences between the professionals role and that of the independent advocate
• How advocacy can benefit service providers
• Key principles of independent advocacy and codes of practice
• The advocacy process
• Advocacy roles and responsibilities
• Skills attitudes and personal attributes of an independent advocate

• Ideal skills and qualities of an advocate
• Communication
• Boundaries and limitations to the advocacy role
• Issues that impact on the advocacy relationship
• How to avoid overstepping the limits
• How advocacy can benefit service users
• Recording information
• Ethical and practical challenges commonly faced by advocates
• Confidentiality
• Risk taking by service user
• Making access to advocacy possible
• Non-Instructed Advocacy (NIA)
• When NIA is appropriate to use
• How NIA is different
• Dilemmas in NIA
• Advocacy for children and young people

Kotizacija:Delavnica je brezplačna