V petek, 12. 10. 2018 je na Fakulteti za socialno delo potekal simpozij o vlogi prava v izobraževanju za socialno delo, ki ga je fakulteta organizira v sodelovanju z organizacijo BAGHR - Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer des Rechts an Fachhochschulen/Fachbereichen des Sozialwesens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
German – Slovene symposium
Friday, October, 12th
09:30 Welcoming words and introduction
-Prof. Dr. Vesna Leskošek,
-Prof. Dr. Renate Oxenknecht-Witzsch, BAGHR, KU-Eichstätt
-Prof. Dr. Helga Oberloskamp, TH Köln
09.45 Principle of social justice and the welfare state – Realisation by the Code of Social Law PPT
Prof. Dr. Heinz Peter Moritz, University of Applied Sciences Erfurt
10.00 Social Security Network in Germany - how it works
Prof. Dr. Helga Spindler, University Duisburg-Essen
10.15 Gender Pricing in Germany – The Cost of Being a Female Consumer
Prof. Dr. Maria Wersig, University of Applied Sciences Dortmund
10.40 Main streamlines in the social rights' praxis of the Slovene Constitutional Court? PPT
Prof. Dr. Rajko Knez, Judge of the Slovene Constitutional Court
11.00 Coffee break and Snacks
11.20 Long Way to Long-term Care Legislation in Slovenia PDF
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jana Mali, University of Ljubljana
11. 40 Domestic Violence Legislation and the Implications for Women PPT
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mojca Urek, University of Ljubljana
12.00 Punishment and prisons since 1950 till today
Prof. Dr. Dragan Petrovec, University of Ljubljana, Institute of Criminology ot the Faculty of Law
12.20 Final Discussion
12.45 Lunch Break
14.00 Practice in social work in Slovenia
- Social Work with families and children
- Social Work in public health system
- Social Work with delinquent people
Prof. Dr. Vesna Leskošek
14.45 Presentation of the faculty and the curriculum
15.30 Discussion and exchange of experience
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Hochschullehrerinnen und
Hochschullehrer des Rechts an Fachhochschulen/Fachbereichen
des Sozialwesens in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
The Federal Association of Professors of Law in Germany (German abbreviation: „BAGHR“), founded in 1970, combines the law professors teaching in Germany´s Faculties of Social Welfare. There are about 75 Faculties of social work in Germany. The Association has about 130 members and has juristic personality as an incorporated society, § 20ff BGB (German Civil Code). There is a management board of three persons, presently with a chairwoman.
The aims of the Association are, i, a., the promotion and the development of teaching legal sciences within the Universities of Applied Sciences.
In at least three conferences per year the Association discusses questions of legal developments, of legal policy and of relevant new court decisions. The Association developed a curriculum on “Law as part of social work in German Welfare Faculties”.
About every two years conferences in foreign countries comparing law concerning social work are organized, giving colleagues an opportunity to exchange views on new developments and challenges in the field of social welfare law.